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Do your part to help shooting in the UK


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(apologies if this is a repost, if not mods do you think it can be stickied?)





Those who are members basc and other organisations should have already had an email about the survey being done:

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation Limited; The British Shooting Sports Council; The Country Land and Business Association; The Clay Pigeon Shooting Association; The Countryside Alliance; The Game Farmers’ Association; The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust; The Gun Trade Association; GunsOnPegs; The Moorland Association; The National Gamekeepers’ Organisation; The National Rifle Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; The National Small-Bore Rifle Association; Scottish Land and Estates incorporating the Moorland Group; Scottish Enterprise; Scottish Natural Heritage Limited; Scottish Country Sports Tourism Group.


All these organisations have come together to commission us to undertake a comprehensive survey to find out exactly what shooting in the UK is worth today - how much shooting sports are worth to the economy, how much they enrich the countryside, how important are the jobs they create and the social activities generated. The survey builds on work we carried out in 2006 which estimated that shooting was worth 1.6 billion pounds to the UK economy and that 250 million pounds a year was spent on conservation.


If you are a participant in shooting sports, or if you are involved in organising or providing shooting activities, then any information you can give us on your involvement with shooting would be invaluable.The statistics of the survey will be used to show how valuable shooting is to the UK economy. The more people that fill this in the more accurate the figures will be and will show just how much we actually contribute to the economy through this.


If you could please click the link below:





As we all know when it comes to politics money talks! So if it can be proved what a huge amount is spent through shooting it will provide ammo for those MP's who support what we do to put forward arguments in our favour.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take the time to fill out the survey!!

Edited by Bry-M
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