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any data for some herco powder

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Have a look on Alliant Powder website, loads of data, but components will be hard to get and expensive in UK.


Sorry put i dont follow what you mean, apart from the powder. There is lead that i have in differant sizes, primers that i have in differant grades, so its just the wads. Thanks

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Herco is a good performer and forgiving over a wide range of wad types. 1&1/4oz loads only really(in 12g)...it likes something to puch against!

Good in 20g too.


Used alot of it years ago and keep some in for the 357.

do you have any data loads for the herco i have some no5 shot and some 7 and will be making some 6 soon when i get time in plastic or fiber wads in 12 bore or 20 bore please

Edited by johnphilip
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Make sure the powder you choose is readily available, they sometimes get hard to find and all your hard work getting the right load , goes out the window. Been There:

if you read my post, i have the powder , just want to use it up with the right load , i load 20 bore , so i thought i would make some 12 bore with this bit of powder i was given, just need to see what wads i have for 12bore

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if you read my post, i have the powder , just want to use it up with the right load , i load 20 bore , so i thought i would make some 12 bore with this bit of powder i was given, just need to see what wads i have for 12bore

Yes, I did read your post, but if you are going into loading in the future you will require to get the SAME powder, and is it readily available, one tin will not last forever..

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Yes, I did read your post, but if you are going into loading in the future you will require to get the SAME powder, and is it readily available, one tin will not last forever..

I have 2kilos of A1 That i am using on my 20 gauge at the moment will keep using that for 20 gauge. I just got this HERCO and wanted to do some 12 gauge to use up the powder. I have a tub of no5 shot and wanted to makes some loads combing the two.

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Like I said before its the wads that will be hard to get I think. I do not recall seeing any of them for sale in uk but others on here may know better. Good luck.

yes you are right, thats the bit that has me stumped at the moment , i dont know if i can use another that is the same size , i could not see much on fibers wads on that site. need to do more homework :good:

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yes you are right, thats the bit that has me stumped at the moment , i dont know if i can use another that is the same size , i could not see much on fibers wads on that site. need to do more homework :good:

I always just did some test loads with what ever wad I had!

Before the inter net there was no other way and no one died or was harmed!


A general rule was to add about 2grns for a fibre wad. Herco lights up easy compared to Unique in shotgun loads, as I said Herco is very forgiving.

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The problem with guessing is you can either have a dangerous load or a slow ineffective one without realising it. If you have a ball park figure to work with you should try and get some samples to the proof house. I have 5 different loads being tested at the minute at a total cost of £42. Money well spent even for low volume reloads because it gives you peace of mind and if they fail you at least know what direction the recipe should have been going in. It teaches you a lot internal ballistics too and increases your understanding about what is happening and why. Proofing throws up some surprising results.

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Guest cookoff013

The problem with guessing is you can either have a dangerous load or a slow ineffective one without realising it. If you have a ball park figure to work with you should try and get some samples to the proof house. I have 5 different loads being tested at the minute at a total cost of £42. Money well spent even for low volume reloads because it gives you peace of mind and if they fail you at least know what direction the recipe should have been going in. It teaches you a lot internal ballistics too and increases your understanding about what is happening and why. Proofing throws up some surprising results.

It throws up the truth.

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The problem with guessing is you can either have a dangerous load or a slow ineffective one without realising it. If you have a ball park figure to work with you should try and get some samples to the proof house. I have 5 different loads being tested at the minute at a total cost of £42. Money well spent even for low volume reloads because it gives you peace of mind and if they fail you at least know what direction the recipe should have been going in. It teaches you a lot internal ballistics too and increases your understanding about what is happening and why. Proofing throws up some surprising results.

So who advocated guessing? :hmm:

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i can see were sits and cookoff are coming from but i started this post about a part tub of powder , was after some save loads just to use it up. trying to keep things safe i have no wish to hurt myself or those around me . it would not be cost effective in the case with just half a tub , to send some loads from this to get proofed.

they enjoy there reloading and are at a higher stage than me with there testing stuff , that what hobbies are about and how far you wish to get into then. i am thankfull for you all for your imput , and long may it be this way to . it all helps to make this a great place to be.

i love to help people when i can when someone is starting out new in a new hobby ......................so keep up the great work you are doing folks ..............not sure wether to put a kiss here or not :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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