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Whats needed from a scope?


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Sounds stupid , I've always used a 3 or 4 x 40.

Mil dot, always been straight foreward. Was talking to a bloke who really started down the "oh you went for one of them " So I asked him what he needed from a scope and ,I was/am at a loss to comprehend .

I knock over rabbits, pigeons corvids and rats, so does he.

Now I'm needing a new scope I'm wondering do I need much more!


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If you can hit the target, you do not need anymore!

+ 1,,enough said,, but if you would like to look the dogs danglies and look like your full of money,live in a mansion, drive a top of the range porche and own the best tweed suit,, flattest flat


cap,,have a 20yr old dolly bird on ya arm,


then go buy a scope worth £2000+ to shoot 40yrds


then you will still knock over rabbits,pigeons,corvids and rats


but will have a little less in ya bank


atb Evo

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I've got a few different rifles, powder & air fac plus several sub 12ftb rifles. For years I had a shotty because I couldn't hit a barn door with a rifle then when I got back into I tripped over a basic Simmons scope & I was back into rifle shooting. I wasted a fortune & I do mean a fortune not only in money on scopes but also ammo plus time trying different scopes. Most scopes were recomended as the best to get by users who got on fine with them, me, back to missing the barn door. What have I found, For me Bushnell Elites on FAC & my sub 12ftb I have my old Simmons & a few cheap fixed focus Hawkes (couldn't get on with other Hawkes thought). I would happily use the cheap Hawkes on my FAC if needed. Trying to improve on a scope you shoot well with will end up expensive & frustrating. If someone recomends a scope try shooting with it first. If you need to replace your presant scope just go with the make & type that has worked for you in the past. I'm not the only one to spent a fortune chaseing the scope holy grail. My search was for a scope that worked for me & It was Simmons Philipeano's & since then It's been downhill so be warned.

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Yeah, that I know? I was just amazed by the belief in latest gadget. the reason I want another scope is I've a new air rifle! Gave my daughter the old one with scope and now going to get a new one. Quite right on the thing about distance it's never going to be that far that the mag will be that important .

But I'm sure there are quite a few gear whores on here and would love to be able to understand the conversation I had !


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Yeah, that I know? I was just amazed by the belief in latest gadget. the reason I want another scope is I've a new air rifle! Gave my daughter the old one with scope and now going to get a new one. Quite right on the thing about distance it's never going to be that far that the mag will be that important .

But I'm sure there are quite a few gear whores on here and would love to be able to understand the conversation I had !


hi mate,, joking apart, if you want to save some money then take note of what I am about to say,,


get yourself a hawke HD sport, front parallax 3x9x50 AO IR for around £50ish, they are a cracking scope for air rifle or .22 rimfire,,.


don't waste any more money because you will basically be paying for something you don't need,,ie, coated lenses,better glass etc,


the above mentioned scope is superb and I was out on Friday night trying it out on a .22 rimfire on the rabbits, totally adequate for upto 150yrds no problem and it performed very well so much so it helped account for a few rabbits,(was only shooting bunnies out to 70yrds)


we first zero,d it in to 60yrds during daylight hours then spent an hour and a half during darkness with a red torch and it was excellent in daylight and darkness,,


save yourself some money get the Hawke Sport HD 3x9x50 and enjoy


atb Evo

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Evo you do realise the Hawke HD has fully coated optics don't you? ???

yes but not to the extent of the higher valued scopes ie zeiss etc


I use the hawke sport and also the panorama ev so yes mole I do know bud


cheers Evo

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I have a cheap as chips Tasco on my airifle,cost about 50 quid I think from eBay a few years back, it 6-24x50 with IR, never seems to lose zero and seems solid. I can't see the point in spending big money unless it's on some thing over 22lr.

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Just my two cents on this.....


There is nothing wrong with the 3-9 x 40 scopes. They are good, reliable and let you hit your target just fine. They are ideally suited for pigeon/rat/general vermin shooting. However, the minute you try a higher quality optic you will suddenly start to notice all the little details that you previously were unable to see. Just how useful this is for vermin shooting is debatable as most people probably won't care if their pigeon is in HD or not. Its a bit like when you get a pair of glasses for the first time, you don't realise what you are missing until you get the new lenses.


But (and heres where I personally think the big difference is) when doing target shooting (HFT/FT) there is no doubt that a higher mag scope is better. To give you an idea, try and see the POI of a .177 pellet on a target card at 50 yards through a 3-9x40 and I guarantee you will seriously squint your eye at it.


A guy at the club last week showed me the view of a knock down rat target at 55 yards with a 1cm hole on it. At 40-50x magnification, the hole looked as big as your fist and looked impossible to miss. It made the difference between an 'easy shot' and a difficult pot luck shot.


I have since replaced my 3-12x50 with a 8-32x56!



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Sounds stupid , I've always used a 3 or 4 x 40.

Mil dot, always been straight foreward. Was talking to a bloke who really started down the "oh you went for one of them " So I asked him what he needed from a scope and ,I was/am at a loss to comprehend .

I knock over rabbits, pigeons corvids and rats, so does he.

Now I'm needing a new scope I'm wondering do I need much more!



Having used allsorts over the years (even great big FT scopes) I now preffer a 1.5-5x 20. Massive FOV great short range focus (can actually see the barrel on low mag) Hardly any parallax error and very fast to use. Been that way for almost a decade now, back in time 30+ years I liked a 4x32 mounted low so little has actually changed other than fashion.

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Thanks all, I was just trying to see what the difference to others was. I can't see I would ever need much for air rifle work but will borrow a higher spec one , but go and by another Hawke 3-9 !!

Kent great point though I think my eyesight has started the drop of.


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Thanks all, I was just trying to see what the difference to others was. I can't see I would ever need much for air rifle work but will borrow a higher spec one , but go and by another Hawke 3-9 !!

Kent great point though I think my eyesight has started the drop of.



Yeah, I know that feeling but if I cant see tell a rabbits head from its bum at 35 yards without any mag at all then I will sell all my guns :yes:

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I don't shoot centre fire range or FT so most of mine have the 40 mm objective , I do have two 50mm ones but they came with the rifles when I bought them (one of which is a .22 rimfire) and it is better in low light but as most of my shooting is in daylight I am happy to stick with 40 mil , when I started shooting in the sixties you were lucky

if you had a 4x20 scope, a lot were using open sights on anything upto rimfire rifles .

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It all depends on what you want the scope to do, and when.


I well remember many years ago using a 3-9 Tasco shooting rabbits at dusk, and a friend of mine was doing the same 100 yards away, but he was using a Zeiss equivalent.


Long after I could not see anything clearly through my beloved Tasco I could hear him head shooting rabbits. The next day I went and bought a 2.5 - 10 x56 Swaro that I still have.


So, it all depends on how much you want to pay and what you want to use it for. Most of us have started at the lower spec end of the scale and then work up to higher spec material.


Some time ago I went out with a guy on PW who told me in no uncertain terms that I was stupid to spend more than 50 quid on a pair of binoculars as they could do all that was needed. Today that same guy uses Zeiss and would never go back.


Unfortunately you do get what you pay for...

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