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Convicted drink drivers /SGC/FAC holders


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I think there is some huge over reactions here, yes don't touch a drop is you're driving but being just over hardly makes you a menace on the road. To put it in context a 25 year olds reactions after 2 pints are faster than a sober person over sixty. Get some perspective people! It doesn't warrant a lifetime gun ban.


where's the scientific proof/evidence?

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Google? The point is people vary considerably in terms of reaction times due to age, alcohol, tiredness, medication. Which is why there shouldn't even be a breath test. Instead there should be a reactions test, a sobriety test. As in many US states do as it covers all. A alcohol test isn't fit for purpose.

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Or ate Christmas cake, used mouthwash etc which is exactly why a zero limit would never work.


Countries which have a 'zero' limit (and there are several) mostly have a slightly above zero limit - purely because the body has a natural level of alcohol in it. Some of this comes from minute levels fermentation can happen in the gut.

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Countries which have a 'zero' limit (and there are several) mostly have a slightly above zero limit - purely because the body has a natural level of alcohol in it. Some of this comes from minute levels fermentation can happen in the gut.


If the limit is slightly above zero then it isn't a zero limit, either that or I have misunderstood your post.

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If the limit is slightly above zero then it isn't a zero limit, either that or I have misunderstood your post.


It is "zero" (note my quotation marks above). There is a very small leeway to take into account naturally occurring alcohol in the body. Think of it as zero tolerance - don't drink anything.

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Countries which have a 'zero' limit (and there are several) mostly have a slightly above zero limit - purely because the body has a natural level of alcohol in it. Some of this comes from minute levels fermentation can happen in the gut.


My mum is a retired Crown Prosecutor and she had a case where a guy was permanently over the drink drive limit as it was shown by his doctor that his stomach acted like a mini brewery! So he was let off AND given back his license. Makes you wonder what they are trying to achieve? You would think that in such a case he would be prevented from driving for life for medical reasons.



Even easier if you have a zero allowance, anybody that drank alcohol would be over the limit and liable to be banned!


Do you understand what the law is meant to achieve? Look it is none of the governments business what my morality is. It is the government business to ensure I do no harm to others. So lets define this shall we:-


Aim of the Law:


Prevent people operating a car whilst in an unfit state to drive for ANY reason.


Current Solution:


Drink drive test, doesn't catch people on drugs, tired, on medication, old and too slow reaction times, generally badly skilled at driving.


Best Solution:


No law regarding any substance be it alcohol or drugs, illegal or otherwise. And instead have a sobriety test that will ensure you are fit to drive regardless of the reason you might not be. If a person is found in an unfit state to drive? Prosecute them with zero tolerance.


At the end of the day if someone can prove they can operate a car in a safe fashion and pass a sobriety test what business is it of the government if they have even had ten pints of lager? Some substances like amphetamines can even increase reaction times, word war 2 pilots used it routinely to stay awake and alert.

Edited by srspower
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Sobriety tests are unreliable for a series of medical conditions.

Agree though drugs don't activate a breathalyser and a very high percentage of casualties these days are as a result of 'drug' driving. So,

do we let people drive after drinking as much as they like or smoking as much as they like or calling whoever they want at whatever time.

Just maybe what we have is moving the right way ???

There is no perfect solution, just attempts to reduce the number of those dead or seriously injured and, surprise, it seems to have worked for the last few years. more to do.

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That's the point though, people wouldn't drink because they would fail the test. Unless they can pass but would you want to find out? What about tiredness or people to old to still be driving? A roadside sobriety test covers all and is the most effective method. Breath tests convict people wrongly AND miss people who shouldn't be driving

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Whilst I fully agree with the 'ban them for life' category (I'm also aware from my old job a very high % of deaths and serious injuries stem from DD incidents) there is another angle here which also impacts on speeding, use of mobile phones etc etc and this is the very poor driving standards which we all witness daily. For those drivers if you add in alcohol, excessive speed etc etc them the outcome will be worse. For that reason alone we need speed and alcohol limits etc BUT we also need more enforcement.


This week I've had 2 near misses involving elderly drivers who didn't appear to see me and a couple of more serious one involving the 18yo bloke showing off. I've 43 years wo an accident (on a road) but feel this may not continue for much longer. Tell me PW members what is the answer??

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Those who choose to drink drive show no regard for society this is true.those who steal are the same.those who buy stolen goods ditto.those who avoid paying their taxes including vat also show they are not of faultless character.so perhaps we should ban anyone who has ever appeared in court on any charge as they obviously have no regard for the laws of this country.time to get down off the moral high ground folks.as the good book says let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

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Those who choose to drink drive show no regard for society this is true.those who steal are the same.those who buy stolen goods ditto.those who avoid paying their taxes including vat also show they are not of faultless character.so perhaps we should ban anyone who has ever appeared in court on any charge as they obviously have no regard for the laws of this country.time to get down off the moral high ground folks.as the good book says let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Didnt leave then as you suggested.

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