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syndicate shoot


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unfortunately I found out we have lost our land. it was a shoot that had been running about 14 years

it was a verbal agreement which we have not had any issues a lot of time and effort has been put in

trying to make it a good shoot , its a stand 1 walk 1 good set of lads would we have any rights any suggestions


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Last season was our last on our land, the shoot had been there for about 28 years. I have been offered a place at a few different shoots to join their syndicates which is great for me, in an ideal world I would like a couple of mates from my old shoot to come along as well but there are only place for one gun.


All the land suitable for a shoot around here already has a shoot on it. We live in hope of finding more land and moving all our pens, feeders, sheds and other kit straight on to it.


Not a lot of help, but I do know how you feel.

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he was paid for us to use his land it has happened because he pocketed the money and not shared it between the family that own the farm

as a paying tenant I would expect some rights there is 5 stroke 6 k of assets on there

Edited by cuff
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U will be able to take any hoppers or pens off (althou pens may be part of lease if there was existing pens previously, leave as found ).

Did u have anything in writing?

I would speak to Basc or Ngo and get proper advice of them,

If word of mouth u might have very little rights but to be fair as charlie says above his land he can do wot he likes really if he has given u enough warning.


Not great but i would just strip as much as u can and store it until u can find a new shoot, posts wire the lot all dear now to buy if ur ever lucky enough to find a new shoot/ground

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he has give us till Monday to get it all of or he says he will trash it with a tractor

we are all there this weekend to get of what we can

not a chance to get pens out t

spoke to c a no joy. lesson learnt get something in writing in future

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All may not be lost.


I would suggest that you have been a tenant for the past 14 years, it matters not whether you have paid rent or not and do not have a written agreement.


You would be what is termed a tenant at will and as such would be entitled to reasonable notice to enable you to dismantle and remove your belongings. It seems to me that your landlord is being unreasonable by not allowing a sufficient time frame to allow you to remove your belongings.


I would suggest you put in writing to him your acknowledgement of his tenancy termination, but do not accept that he is being realistic with the timeframe he has given for the dismantling and removal of your equipment. I would go on to suggest a more realistic time frame and that should he not agree to your sensible request you will be left with no alternative but to take legal action for its recovery or value.


As a tenant at will, you have more rights than you think, the courts would not think it unreasonable for you to be permitted reasonable access to remove your belongings. ​By trashing your belongings in such a situation he is leaving himself open to a substantial claim for damages.

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