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Had a wonder with my air arms 410, for a change had a few magpies & two rabbits. When i got home about 20mins later i hung one of the head shoot & neck pulled (just to make sure) rabbits up it's front legs started to twitch like it was running along it did this for about three mins. I've shot hundreds of rabbits & never seen this before :crazy:

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I was watching a cooking programme the other day (can't remember which) and they had a skinned and gutted animal (again, can't remember what it was) and they seasoned it with salt and it started to move. The chefs explanation was that the salt and damp surface create a small electrical circuit and the nerves/muscles react!

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We were filming in a morgue once and the guy in charge was telling us it's not unusual for bodies to twitch up to a day or so after death depending on cause, and for days after you can get get a 'sigher' which is when the bacteria in the gut keep producing gas until the pressure vents through the mouth and nose, apparently the first time it happens to a worker they dont forget in a hurry.


FatherandSon is def right about the electrical conductivity, you can see it at work in the Royal Institute lecture on the nervous system where they put a frog in strong brine and it starts to slowly rotate the legs - creepy as hell

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