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Any Pro Pest Controllers? Rat problem around lake


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Hi all. My angling club is having a problem with rats around the lake, I've stepped forward to deal with it as quite frankly I'm fed up of the little blighters.
I've spoke to BASF who manufacture Neosorexa and they have confirmed it is safe for use around the lake as long as the bait blocks are secured in a bait box and there is going to be no danger of the rat dying in the lake and poisoning the fish.

However I need to dispose of any rat carcasses found, what is the best way to do this? I've heard incineration or burying them is best. Can I chuck the rats on a bonfire or does it need to be done at a proper incineration facility? How deep would I need to bury said rats?


Anyone got any advise?

Edited by Brad93
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Use bait stations and you will end up with very few bodies to worry about, most rats will go home when they feel unwell, go to bed and simply not wake up.


Handle with care/protection and burn or bury if you do find any!


Agree with above, I burn any I find it can be a bit strong on the nose but the easiest way to get rid off, I use a metal bin incinerator as I can move it were needed and its a contained fire.

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