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Gun won't fire???

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If the hammers have not reset ,and sounds as if they haven't . Then you will have to reset the hammers by jiggling the barrels back into the action . If the hammers are not set you will feel the tension of the springs as you close the barrels into the action .



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give the stock a thump with your hand


Just tried that, nothing???

Sounds as if it has got out of sync . Take the fore end and barrels off and move the safety back and forwards on both barrels ,reassemble and give a good sharpe tap on the base of the stock .


Just tried that, also nothing?

Take it back to whoever you bought it from and ask them to fix it ?????

Yes I would but I can't until Saturday and I'm using every night crop protection at the moment (well I was)

Check the barrel selector has not moved so its between top / bottom , push it fully left or right.

Don't that? It moves freely? Still the same

If the hammers have not reset ,and sounds as if they haven't . Then you will have to reset the hammers by jiggling the barrels back into the action . If the hammers are not set you will feel the tension of the springs as you close the barrels into the action .


Done this 20 times, still no tension on the trigger?

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If you are desperate ring the shop explain the issue see what they cab dio, would be very odd for both to go as the springs on the hammers are separate and would be very bad luck for both to go.


You could take the stock off and check the obvious like is it cocked, any broken bits, but without parts you aren't really better off. The slack trigger is weird

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As the gun is new take it back.if you start taking it apart you could find any guarantee could be void.its a nuisance I know but best to do things properly. Atb

I'm not going to muck about with it as you say it would make my guarantee void, besides I wouldn't know where to start looking :-)

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If you are desperate ring the shop explain the issue see what they cab dio, would be very odd for both to go as the springs on the hammers are separate and would be very bad luck for both to go.

You could take the stock off and check the obvious like is it cocked, any broken bits, but without parts you aren't really better off. The slack trigger is weird

How does the gun reset the firing pins, do you know?

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If the pins appear loose, then the hammers are cocked, the top pin has no return spring on a browning, the bottom does (at least up to 425), which means its your inertia block sticking back as though the gun is on safe. If moving the saftey in all ways has done nothing then it means either some dirt (even new guns have dirt in the action) has got in the block, or the spring has failed. If you have a stock key, take the stock off and see if the block moves with some tension or is just flopping about, if there is some tension its dirt, if its floppy, take it back as its not a fix on the kitchen table job......

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Ok thanks for all your help guys I appreciate it, phoned up Brownings service department today asking for some technical advice, might as well been talking to a brick wall, bloody hopeless, so it's going back time the gunshop Wednesday to see if they can fix it then back to Brownings for repair if they can't.


I'll let you know how I get on



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