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How far does no.6 shot travel at around 45 degrees???


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The man is standing on the top of a very high cliff and shooting down at pigeons, a man and a dog. Where the devil do you think common sense is about to turn up?

No common sense at all

Nor did I say we used lead shot though I believe it is the shooting of wildfowl with lead that's a problem


And as other posts have said its perfectly safe if your cliff is more than 300 yards high and your shooting at 45 degrees



The cliffs we shoot are 400 plus and I'm the one with the dog being shot at


I'm sure a rocket scientist can do the maths to explain why the falling shot is harmless even though its being fired down

Something to do with friction /terminal velocity and dropping a ball off the leaning tower of pizza


Anyway just my take on how far shot travels

Sod it forgot to add in the depth of the sea 😀


All the best


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Old Farrier you didn't say you were using lead shot but by saying the shot was more than 300 yards out to sea, steel wouldn't travel that far. Height From ground sea level is only one factor that don't make a huge difference on linear distance travelled as when it's lost its speed/kinetic energy it drops straight down quickly, more height to start with just means more drop not more distance.


If fired from a good height hot air balloon the shot would only travel the same distance then drop to the same point as it would from lower. You can't alter physics.



Edited by figgy
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We reguley flight pigeon to roost

Can't shoot them from the bottom of the cliff so we go to the top and shoot out at them and down on them

On a still calm evening after what seems a age the shot can be seen hitting the sea

It is a lot further than 300 yards out and down



On a safety note the falling shot is just that similar to spent shot at a clay ground and we always have a dog and man on the beach to ensure safety and pick up birds

All the best


I know its not the shard but its awesome fun

When you've got over the vertigo and got your head around pigeons Being beneath your feet

if your shooting down on them you must be shooting them a long out to have pellets fall out at sea over 300 yards , and it must be like a mill pond to see them as the pattern would be spread over a far distance I should imagine
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