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All set for reloading the 10g

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Just had a delivery from GAEP (kevin bellis) once fired rems, buffer, sam 1 wads, 4.5mm steel shot, already got Alliant steel powder, packing and os cards, just waiting for the barrels to be returned after the chokes being opened 1/2 n 1/2, should be ready to get a bit of practice on some clays before the season starts. is everyone else ready ?

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Guest cookoff013

you can actually set up quite cheap. scales, scoop, rto / drill etc....


but if you want to set up to reload volume, then that needs some serious thought and equipment. mec reloaders are about 200 notes.

the lee is 50 notes and only available in 12 and 20 gauge.


i have 2 reloaders 12gauge, one can do 100/hr the other can do 500+ an hour. (the most i`ve ever run through the latter is under 50 ! it took longer to get set up than it did to run 50!)

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Island Gun,


I have a 10 bore and am toying with the idea of re-loading. Plan on having a look at the CLA on Friday. What sort of investment have you made to get set up ?



TH :)

I have an old lee loader (not loadall) some digital scales a roll turnover tool, I am no expert but here goes

Lee loader Ebay £50 ?

scales £40

powder £40

cases £30

wads £15

primer £5

steel shot £3-00 kg

os cards £15

fillers £10


£200 quid ?

You can load using the dowel and nail method (look on u tube) which I am going to try on some subsonic 12's this year, I am distinctly low numbers and get a lot of pleasure finding out about reloading and there are plenty of experts on here that will advise, indeed asking questions about reloading is how I got involved on PW . go for it and good luck

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An old Lee Loader will be the probably cheapest way to start

Anything around $50 in the USA


I got VERY lucky in finding one of the RCBS single stage 10-bore die sets that fit the RCBS RockChucker


Already have scales, powder, several thousand primers, etc. just need to get some 10-bore hulls & wads/cards


So WAY UNDER £200.


Also look on the web at the Lanes Loaders.

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I RTO exactly the stuff the OP uses but various shot sizes, I am doing a full re-build on the ten presently and doubt it will be done for Sept. Reason is there is no push is I don't think my shoulder is up to carrying as much heavy kit out this year so the 12 ga auto and getting in closer is the plan. Am I getting ready? yes! been making and renovating deeks and considering loading for the 12 now (although I always said I wouldn't) reason being I am very fond of fast 3" no2 and its only a RTO and 12 ga components I require as I already have the shot and powder. I still have lots of no4 12ga steel shells though and plenty 3 1/2" stuff (which I am rapidly turning my back on over the ten when required)

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Just had a delivery from GAEP (kevin bellis) once fired rems, buffer, sam 1 wads, 4.5mm steel shot, already got Alliant steel powder, packing and os cards, just waiting for the barrels to be returned after the chokes being opened 1/2 n 1/2, should be ready to get a bit of practice on some clays before the season starts. is everyone else ready ?

I got some stuff from him. I'm sure it will do the job ok, but his steel shot is probably the worst looking that i've seen.

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