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Out of their cold dead hands.....


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I still can't quite believe what I heard just now on BBC News 24 as Jen Psaki (spokesperson US Dept. of State) was questioned about further US sanctions against Russia. As the US tries to halt the violence in Ukraine one questioner's sole concern was whether sanctions would interfere with the ability of US citizens to buy AK47's.



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I know but whether you can a banana mag runner is kinda not on the radar of real world worries during a crisis! I bet that guy doesn't own a passport (one of the 2/3 that don't).


She was asked "As far as you are aware, the ability of the American consumers to purchase semi-automatic rifles from Kalashnikov had not been affected - is that correct?" I loved the look of 'dear God' that rolled across her face as she replied " I can check that level of specificity and see if there's a direct impact".

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Importation only effects assembled guns. They still have US companies making AK's and they can still import parts kits and assemble them at home.


And as said above atleast they still have their guns guarunteed by the 2nd amendment. Unlike here where everyone seems to believe banning everything is the answer to all the countries problems

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I guess we can laugh all we like at the red neck isolationist attitude but they are still the ones who still have the rights we lost in 1988 and 1997. shooter


The differences in legislation weren't the point.

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The differences in legislation weren't the point.

I think they have the right idea, why worry about and stick your nose into everyone esles business. If western countries and spent time worrying about their own problems for the last 50 years instead of trying to fix the world we would be much better off

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I think they have the right idea, why worry about and stick your nose into everyone esles business. If western countries and spent time worrying about their own problems for the last 50 years instead of trying to fix the world we would be much better off

Really? You think the usa have less problems than us?

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Isn't Vatican City one of the highest crimes per population? There's some grammar in there somewhere...

No doubt the perfect illustration of the phrase ' power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


that is what you can not trust any organisation, government or private business that has power over us.

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No doubt the perfect illustration of the phrase ' power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


that is what you can not trust any organisation, government or private business that has power over us.

I think the point was that for a very small population, any crime, per capita, pushes the statistics up. VC has a population of around 1,000 people so ten crimes committed means 1 for every 100 people*. Thats like having 800,000 here a year, which I don't think is the case :)



* large tourist population, so pickpocketing etc.

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I think the point was that for a very small population, any crime, per capita, pushes the statistics up. VC has a population of around 1,000 people so ten crimes committed means 1 for every 100 people*. Thats like having 800,000 here a year, which I don't think is the case :)



* large tourist population, so pickpocketing etc.

I think it is a bit of a stretch to suggest that all tourists are pick pockets

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I think it is a bit of a stretch to suggest that all tourists are pick pockets

Either you're being deliberately obstreperous or truly don't understand that the point I am making is anywhere with lots of tourists attracts criminals to prey on them. The actual crimes committed by residents of VC would be pretty low, I imagine, but there is little to stop other criminals entering the country and committing crimes

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Why don't you produce statistics to prove your point.


I have read and heard this quite extensivly

Murder rates 2011 http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/interactive/2011/oct/10/unitednations-development-data


Try these: http://www.civitas.org.uk/crime/crime_stats_oecdjan2012.pdf


Scotland is top for assault, Mexico top for murder, Belgium is top for robbery (miss poirot apparently), Australia is top for rape... Burglary its Denmark..... vehicle theft its Sweden! (who knew!) Poland looks like a great place to live..


Only in assault rates are england and wales above USA IIRC (from assault rape and homicide) robbery is higher burglary about the same (based on recent figures)

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