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Hi there, just wondering how many of you still shoot rooks?. I personally stopped several years ago when I read somewhere they may do more good than harm eating slugs and what not. I know corvids in general are classed as pests just curious how true it is about rooks.

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they can do quite a bit of damage,


drilled peas/barley they will dig out. ripe barley they do a lot of damage on my patch if they can get started at the side of the field.


numbers do get out of order as the game shooters never seem to shoot them,

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I've been asked to help keep numbers in control at a large rookery. Other times of year I rarely shoot any rooks, even though there's a rookery about quarter mile from my house with a few spliter groups of them a couple of hundred yards away. So plenty about. They even frequent my roof and chimney stacks. As do the jackdaws, but I don't shoot them either, until they decide to nest in my chimney pots.

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