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A rare event.


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I am not usually asked decoying. It's normally the other way round. Today was an exception and I was asked to shoot some rape stubble. There was, however, a major problem and that was that I had a lunch party to go to, and when I say had I really do mean had as Lady JDog had exerted some pressure. The solution was to put my kit in the car, a change of clothes and for Lady JDog and I to travel in separate cars. I never fibbed to the host I simply said I had to leave early. I did leave early as the food had not been served and the other 40 guests probably did not miss me.


My companion for the afternoon was just setting up having watched for an hour. I set up 30m from him and for the first hour the shooting was constant with birds decoying well on a fantastic wind in the most ideal conditions imaginable. After two hours the flight just stopped and during the time it took to pack up we never saw a single pigeon.


We picked 48 pigeons and I was back home in time to earn some Brownie points and to watch the Indians capitulate at Old Trafford.

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Not sure how you got away with that Jdog :lol: But well done. I had a measly 4 for a tour round :/

There are a few of us on here that have had the action dry up after 2 hours. Its happened to me twice in the last couple of weeks. Both times reached 29, then as you say, not a bird to be seen. Think Sitsinhedges had the same thing a couple of days ago...................strange :yes:

Edited by turbo33
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Well done for getting the permission to leave early, did Lady JDog get you a doggy bag as you missed the food or was that your penance . You said that you set up 30 metres away was that with decoys or did you just shoot leaving birds? It was a great result .


I just moved one arm of the pattern which my companion had set out so that we could both reach incoming birds. He had expected me to share a hide but he was listening to the cricket. I just wanted to shoot pigeons with no distractions.


There was no doggy bag sadly. The food looked fantastic.

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