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long range target shooting

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hi there ive decided to start long range target shooting and having ruled out .50 cal due to the expense i was wondering if any body is involved with this type of shooting and as any suggestions of calibes. im considering .300 win mag or is there a better calibre.

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I would suggest a serious look at the 300WSM in preference to the Mag as it is proving to be an accurate long range round.


For custom work etc speak to Gillie Howe of Modern and Antique




I know I am biased but having now tried all the WSM cals (I have chosen the 300 and the 325 as the best for my purposes) can with the confidence of first hand experience say they are 'better' than their equivilent counterpart and that the 300WSM will provide you with everything yoiu need for 1000yd targets.


This is unconfirmed but I was told that at 1000yds someone shot 5 shot groups at less than 8" from a factory 300WSM on the Blair Atholl range.

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It depends what sort of target shooting you mean.


I believe that with F class you can use what you like, but if you mean TR (target rifle) then you only have one option and that is 7.62mm Nato (.308 Win)


The NRA website is a very good source of information.

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Both my .22 target rifles have those, I will be looking for something similar in 7.62


I do fancy an RPA Quadlite in an Aluminium stock but don't think I can justify on at the moment. I am going to see what Fultons have at bisley on their open day.

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Both my .22 target rifles have those, I will be looking for something similar in 7.62


I do fancy an RPA Quadlite in an Aluminium stock but don't think I can justify on at the moment. I am going to see what Fultons have at bisley on their open day.




We all need to treat ourselves from time to time, go on you know you want it! :)



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Both my .22 target rifles have those, I will be looking for something similar in 7.62


I do fancy an RPA Quadlite in an Aluminium stock but don't think I can justify on at the moment. I am going to see what Fultons have at bisley on their open day.




We all need to treat ourselves from time to time, go on you know you want it! :)



Bloody hell B) Stuart is that yours??

If it please, please, please bring it to bisley :no: B)

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B) B)



HD / SL,


My neighbours love me, and no it isn't my gun :good:


I saw it for sale on GT and thought it would do for Mr Cavie as he is after a target rifle.


I know it is not quite the same, but my mate Drovers (the one that never speaks :) ) should be bringing his TRG22 in .308 to Bisley, so if you ask him nicely he will let you have a pop with that :no:

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Nice gun Stuart,


Two major problems with it, 1) It has a scope, proper target riflemen use iron sights :) and 2) it has a bipod, Proper riflemen use them freehand :no:


Bipods and scopes ??? Whatever next, supporting the rifle in a rest and sandbags so it doesn't move? Oh no wait that's benchrest B) B) :good:

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Nice gun Stuart,


Two major problems with it, 1) It has a scope, proper target riflemen use iron sights :P and 2) it has a bipod, Proper riflemen use them freehand :good:


Bipods and scopes :P Whatever next, supporting the rifle in a rest and sandbags so it doesn't move? Oh no wait that's benchrest :lol::P:P



Hah......quite true................................nice looking gun though.................without the monopod on the back end...............

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  • 2 weeks later...

the 338 lap mag is a beast to shoot,


you dont want to get too close if some one is using a muzzle brake on it!


it is a serious long range rifle, have used a sako trg in that cal, plinking with it still gave me abit of a headache even with earmuffs on.


I have seen it flat pack roe deer out to 600 yds, it was impressive but not quite the up close and personnal i would rather get.


another beast is a 338-378 weatherby, now that is a ear bleeding experience waiting to happen

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the 338 lap mag is a beast to shoot,


you dont want to get too close if some one is using a muzzle brake on it!


it is a serious long range rifle, have used a sako trg in that cal, plinking with it still gave me abit of a headache even with earmuffs on.


I have seen it flat pack roe deer out to 600 yds, it was impressive but not quite the up close and personnal i would rather get.


another beast is a 338-378 weatherby, now that is a ear bleeding experience waiting to happen


You lucky swine <_< How does it compare with a .50?

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my only advise is ask your self how much you wish to shoot your rifle because the thing with magnum calibers are that after a 1000 rounds they begin to lose their tightness in your groups i know lots of longrange shooters in Canada and the USA and most will say a heavy barrel 308/6.5/or 223 are better choices because they are vey acurate and barrel life is good i know a guy who has a heavy barrel model 70 winchetser custom in 308 with a nikon tactical scope and he drops deer routinley out to and close to a km

good luck :good:

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old bill,


im afriad to say I havnt had the joy of letting off with a .50 cal,


the one i would like a blat with is a .408 chey tac, any rifle that on a really long shot you have to take into account the earths revolution is a must in my book.


jcbruno, a thousand rounds later and sloppy groups, hoss the old barrel off and whack on another job done and cheap as chips!

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