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Poorly Pattern


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Try patterning a few shells to get a true pattern.




Looks good but one shot is meaningless. The recommended minimum for field use is 6 from which you make an average. Try it and I'll wager you will be amazed at the differences that those shots from the same carton through the same barrel will produce. Should you try it, don't be tempted to ignore any of them - tight or loose - it happened and it'll happen again.

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Thanks Chaps, some big holes in it, a stringing around them to my eye, but glad to hear support from those with more experience, I will stick with it!

Don't be put off by "big holes". There's 2 elements to a pattern - density and quality. The former, as I'm sure you know, is defined by the percentage of the pellets in a 30" circle at any given range. The latter can be considered by the number of said "big holes dependent upon the number (as opposed to the percentage) of pellets in that area (in the past, some manufacturers have used this system to assess their product). For the details you gave, should the nominal 3/4 boring have actually produced the specified result you should have some 260 pellets if you were to draw said circle about the pattern centre. If you then count the number of non overlapping 5" diameter holes then, in this specific instance, 0 would be assessed as excellent, 1 or 2 as average and 3 as poor. It is all a bit of a palaver and simply depends upon one's level of interest. Just to give an idea, 1 1/8oz load of No 6 through a 1/4 choke at 40 yards for a normal pattern one could expect some 4 - 7 such holes and still drop a pigeon.


Edit: Spelling

Edited by wymberley
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