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???????? Moving targets , it's not the done thing even pests have the right to be dispatched correctly, my original post was took of ?????? ,the topic should be barred

Says you that if I remember correctly shoots pigeons in standing crops and leaves them to rot! Seems bit pot calling the kettle black to me.

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Says you that if I remember correctly shoots pigeons in standing crops and leaves them to rot! Seems bit pot calling the kettle black to me.

If they landed in the crops I left them if memorie serves me , but can't see your point unless your just wanting to start an argument again

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???????? Moving targets , it's not the done thing even pests have the right to be dispatched correctly, my original post was took of ?????? ,the topic should be barred

So, no pigeon, pheasant, duck or walked up rabbit unless they are sitting nice and pretty for you?


Driven boar is no different to any other driven game, there is always a risk of the requirement for a 'Dispatch' shot- but seen that enough from some on stationary Deer

Think I cross posted with other above- got distracted whilst writing....

Dam Disney Toy Story


Ps, where was it filmed? Which Domaine SVP

Edited by Jaymo
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See your points just doesn't seem correct shooting wild boars like that , properly shouldn't have said wot I did sorry op,once saw a guy on here post a vid of a moving fox and he got slated ,any way like I said didnt mean to offend op


Driven Boar and deer shooting shooting has been carried out for 100 s of years on the continent .

The guns can be very skilled and know what they are doing

Watch this clip and you will see just what is possible.



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If they landed in the crops I left them if memorie serves me , but can't see your point unless your just wanting to start an argument again

You put in your original post even pests deserve to be dispatch correctly, how do you dispatch one of your wounded pigeons in standing rape correctly for example, I await the reply to this with interest, as said once before I think you need a new hobby.

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