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Alex Martin English Boxlock 12 gauge

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Alex Martin English Boxlock


12 gauge Shotgun Trade Seller
Used - Average Condition Kettering , Northamptonshire
Side by Side, 1/4 Choke, 3/4 Choke, 30" barrels
Semis_n_side_by_sides_012 Semis_n_side_by_sides_013 Semis_n_side_by_sides_014


Sunken rib

English Game gun !

New Stock by proffesional stocker !

Tight as the day it was New

VERY VERY slight pit mark in the right barrel

14 3/4 pull to the front trigger

2 1/2 inch (65mm) chambers

Good English Game gun for the price of a couple of slabs of cartridges

This gun is being sold by Pigeon Watch member wabbitbosher. Message them here


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That's a nice looking gun which will give someone a LOT of pleasure for not a lot of money. £155 is peanuts for something that will feel and balance just right.


But for the record, it's a Scottish game gun, not an English one - Alex Martin was based in Glasgow.

Yup it was finished and Sold in Scotland but made in Birmingham

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As a child in the 1940s I would sometimes accompany my father on a tramcar journey into Glasgow. The highlight was always a visit to Alex Martin's in Exchange Square, a somewhat snooty emporium full to the brim with exotica in the form of racks and racks of beautiful shotguns and my favourites, the rifles with bolts! There was one in particular, a .275 Mannlicher Schoenauer that became an image that haunted my entire childhood. I used to stand transfixed by the beauty of the thing while my father bought his flies and fishing stuff. It was an upmarket shop all right- they even had branches in faraway places like Stirling, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. People didn't get about so much in those days! I should buy this old gun, I really should...... :good::no:

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In about 1934 a branch was opened under the name of Alex Martin at 2 Friars Street, Stirling, and in about 1938 their Aberdeen shop moved to 25 Bridge Street.

It is unlikely that the firm made any guns themselves after 1939, during the 1950s and early 1960s most of their guns were made by A A Brown & Sons of Birmingham.

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In about 1934 a branch was opened under the name of Alex Martin at 2 Friars Street, Stirling, and in about 1938 their Aberdeen shop moved to 25 Bridge Street.

It is unlikely that the firm made any guns themselves after 1939, during the 1950s and early 1960s most of their guns were made by A A Brown & Sons of Birmingham.

As were most of Churchill's box locks I believe! Later (and to date) A A Brown made superb side locks under their own name, as good or arguably better than anything out of London! In fact they probably had a hand in many guns coming out of the top London gunmakers!?

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