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japan dolphin slaughter


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Is Brit, Scot or Aussie insulting?


I know that the common usage of the shortening for a Pakistani is deemed insulting but didn't realise that the shortening for Japanese had crossed the line as well.


My bad if that is the case.


Incidentally, my cousin's wife is American. When she heard someone refering to a gentleman from Africa as being "coloured" she was mortified. Apparently in the states you can say that someone is "black" but saying they are "coloured" is an absolute no no, whereas it's the reverse over here.

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I just did a quick google search and the names involved in this video, and incedently the groups that claim having taken the video include;


AWI Quarterly Animal Welfare INstitue


Sea Sheppard Conservation Society


Save Japan Dolphins


Live Science


Born Free Organization


All of which ring very true to ,

Green Peace and Peta in my opinion.


As earlier if it is the method that you appose than lobby for a change to that, not a wholesale closer of an entire Fishing industry that is sustainable and renewable. NTTF

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Apparently in the states you can say that someone is "black" but saying they are "coloured" is an absolute no no, whereas it's the reverse over here.


I would have to differ I'm afraid. A black man usually prefers to be called black, after all "coloured" could denote a vast array of races. I was told this by a chap who lived in London and had many friends of different ethnic origins.




Some of the replies I have read in this topic have been truly shocking. Watching that video made me feel nauseous. I can not beleive that anyone would subscribe to this being an acceptable method of culling. From start to finish there is absolutely no consideration for the quarry what so ever. The Japenese do have a different beleif and culture but it doesnt mean that I have to accept it.


I did not bother watching the video as I have seen stills taken from it. The replies that many have given are not condoning it but are not poking their nose in.

To us this is not really how to go about it, however the Jap(anese) might view a bunch of blokes in red tunics with a pack of dogs chasing a fox around the countryside as unsporting. It works both ways and if anyone feels that strongly about it then I suggest they stop purchasing anything made in Japan, particulaly anything fishing related. After all that petition isn't going to do a damn thing.

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As far as I know the way all animals are killed for the Halal method is just to have their throats slit, no stunning involved, and that is happening in this country with all the various species that are killed that way for religion


Yep that's the british muslims method for you - how do they justify it - how can we let them do it?


I think we should start a petition to ban halal slaughter here in ther UK!



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Who are WE to force other countries to change their ways when we so clearly once walked the same path?



To those people they are doing NO wrong and they have harvested the fish this way for centuries. You only have to look at the Children walking past and just glancing in paying no attention to see it is part of their culture.


Yes i can see WHY some people are sickened and feel Nauseous but WE once treat whales with the same kind of disrespect not to long ago too so Who are we to cast asspursions?


Love it or Hate it you can't stop culture and to do so would be Wrong!


I think it is WRONG to force these people to change just because their cultures clash with our own.


I wonder how many of you not so long age were eating NON dolphin friendly Tuna <_<


The fish that die in Fishing nets from our own fleet die horrific deaths too often suffocating by being dragged backward through the water as well as dying of ashpixiation lying dying in the hold of the boats.


I worked on a Turkey farm for a season and the birds are only STUNNED when their throats are cut open allowing them to bleed to death and MOST are still alive when they enter the plucking drum yet how many of us eat Turkey at Christmas?


Britain has had it's OWN history of Cruelty to Animals stemming back a few hundred years or more.



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well it dont realy matter if you shoot it club it or slit its throat

its gona die


they all die !!!!

its a natural instinkt to kill if we were hungry/starving we would shoot club knife any animal to death to

survive woudnt we ?? or would we just let our selfs die :good:


when you shoot a pigeon or rabbit it dies end of story



dont know why so many people have a problem with this ??


i think a lot of people try to put there mind or consience to rest by saying to them self

its ok i shot the rabbit fox hare wotever with my rifle thats ok


but its not we shoot an animal and it dies just the same


its reality



happy hunting kirky


ps hope this is not ott and gets posted as its the way i see things and dont exspect everyone to agree

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