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Initial testing of first home loads

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I got to the range on Saturday, and was able to do trials with my first home laods.

Conditions looked great, after the rain I was ready to cancel (having spent a morning laying in 3" of water on a previous trip :blink: ) it was sunny cold, but very windy - never mind, can't have it all.


I tried to be as 'scientific' as possible, logging all the loads etc so I had some dat to go home with.

Having stuck a factory round through the gun I worked my way slowly through the loads I had prepared, I had 3 of each from the bottom load to just short of the top, in .5 grn increments.


As some of the books had predicted, the better groups came from the lower end loads on this ocassion, as the seesion went on the groups opened out a lot, but having given both guns a good cleaning at the range I was able to bring them back in again - but I had run out of home loads by then. So I need to return and retest some of the higher end loads again <_<


Overall I was pretty happy, neither gun exploded, which was a bonus.


And I will definitly not go out on the lash until 2am the night before next time I do this next time :blink:




The best 6.5 groups so far at 100 yards were:








and 44.0 grns:





Suprised me how far off from factory rounds the POI was as well, my gun is zero'd to hit (or at least worry!) that black square with Federal 140's.

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The .223 story was much the same, but I guess I wasn't leaving enough time between shots, or groups of shots - those thin CZ barrels heat up really quickly, especially with a mod hanging off the end <_<


I kept getting groups of groups, if that makes sense..


23 grn:





23.5 grn






Again the shots are way off the equivalent factory POI, so if I can, I need to shoot some over a chrono.

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try staggering in smaller amounts, e.g .2 grains, .5 a grain is a large amount, you could have completely passed the sweet spot by.


not looking bad though mate :good:


Thanks Nick, I will give that a go, I am knocking some more for another a go in a couple of weeks time.




What ingredients are you using???



.223 is:


Federal brass

CCI std primer

Vit 133 powder

Hornaday A max 52grn

Loads are as per the pictures



6.5 is:

Federal brass

CCI std primer

Vit 160 powder

Sierra Gameking 140grn

Again loads as the pictures


Way to go Stuart :no: .......Are you running a clean barrel now :)


What loads are you trying on the .223 ?



As above Ive.


And yes, I never thought I would say this but....


I will be cleaning both guns between groups next time :unsure:

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Keep the loads a grain or two below max for longer barrel life.


The max loads, according to VihtaVuori are:


.223 25.0 grn

6.5x55 46.7 grn


So those are well in.


I would like to chrono the 6.5 load as it used mainly on reds, so maintaining the energy level is important.

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Federal brass

CCI std primer

Vit 133 powder

Hornaday A max 52grn

Loads are as per the pictures





I will be cleaning both guns between groups next time :unsure:

I think you already know but Mine and dead Ducks loads are very similar with outstanding results


24.2 grn vit 133

cci benchrest primor

federal brass

50 grn hornady v- max


Give it a go ,you never know :)


Hopefully if there is no torrential rain I'm on the range tommorrow and zeroing that leupold in so I'll post some 3 shot 1 holers (.223 that is ) :good: ............Come close with a slightly mashed hole on a couple of occasions :no:

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Hopefully if there is no torrential rain I'm on the range tommorrow and zeroing that leupold in so I'll post some 3 shot 1 holers (.223 that is ) :unsure: ............Come close with a slightly mashed hole on a couple of occasions :good:


The 23grn group above has 2 shots through the same hole.

My problem is now with the swaro scope I can see that at 100yards, so the pressure is on to drop the 3rd shot through the same hole and the result is a pulled shot :no: not that it really matters, but it would be nice to get all 3 in...


Weather is absolutely perfect down here today Ive, you may get lucky tomorrow


Does anyone know the difference between the std and benchrest CCI primers?

I assumed the BR were just a bit more consistant, but I couldn't get any locally so went with the normal ones...

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Try 22gn of N133 with a 55gn v-max. That load thumbnails consistently at 100yards with Lorraines Remy 700.


Sounds good Dave (depending on whether you are a cobbler or not, of course :o )


That ,s what I can slightly mashed Stuart :yes:

:no::) ........Wrong pic ......It's suppose to be the one with 5 holes in ;)


Correct Ive :good:

The top picture has 5 shots in it, I only saw 4 at first and wondered where the other one went :unsure:



Reminded me of my shooting of the 'static fox' at the BSRC.


When walking back from counting up my score the bloke said, "good news and bad news..."

"The good news is you got a few bulls, the bad news is one them was in the target next to yours and doesn't count" :yes:

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