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Hatsan AT44-10 - New Problem!!


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  On 04/01/2015 at 20:56, Fabhui said:

UPDATE - Ok,so I collected my AT44-10 from the shop where they had checked for the leak and couldn't find anything. They filled the cylinder to around 200 bar kept it overnight and it stayed at the same pressure.

I left it for a couple of days, took it out and it was still at 200 bar. I fired off around 50 shots which ran it down to just over 100 bar. I put it away for a couple of days and took it out today to use it to find it had dropped to zero!

Anyone have any idea as to what the heck is going on with it as I'm at a loss??

some pcp,s will not behave properly if the pressure drops below 100bar, to me it seems like it is not sealing properly when it drops below this mark, as you have noticed it is sealing fine when above this 100bar mark so basically don't let it run below this and it should be fine, I know it should not do this so really you should speak to whom you bought the rifle from and either get them to replace the rifle or repair it, one or the other, if it was me I would want it replacing

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One concern with filling Hatsan pcps is they don't favour stirrup pumps as the movement when pumping can cause movement round the valve filling area and lead to leaks and damage to the seal. I would recommend you buy a bottle and some filling lubricant applied before you fill it up as it will solve alot of potential problems. Hatsan tolerances from gun to gun on the valve areas are not too special I had a faulty one like yours and they exchanged the cylinder in the end and was fine after but I clearly noted the filling valve area was a larger tolerance and filled better and could remove the fill adaptor easier than my other one!

Hatsan are a good starters gun but you would really do better with a Daystate BSA or AA much less problems will arise.

Edited by blasterjudd
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  On 08/01/2015 at 07:33, kriss said:

if I were you id take gun back and ask for a new air cylinder and try that. most leaks on these guns are from the cylinder not sealing.

Yep that's what I'm doing. It's going back on Saturday. I removed the cylinder from the rifle, filled it with air and left it and it still leaked so the problem is definitely with the air cylinder leaking.

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Sorry guys but I have got to say.. First and foremost to Fabuhi good luck with the new cylinder and hope it all works out well buddy but ive got to say from what I have heared and read on here just backs up my first thoughts that these guns do have alot of quality issues and now hearing that cylinders are problematic would steer me away from this gun..


I know these are a cheaper gun but I would expect the gun to be usable without fault for at least a year being a brand new rifle! £300 of anyone's money is a fair bit these days!


As I said though mate I do hope the replacement cylinder fixes all the problems and you can get on and enjoy it :)





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  On 08/01/2015 at 17:39, fog horn said:

Sorry guys but I have got to say.. First and foremost to Fabuhi good luck with the new cylinder and hope it all works out well buddy but ive got to say from what I have heared and read on here just backs up my first thoughts that these guns do have alot of quality issues and now hearing that cylinders are problematic would steer me away from this gun..


I know these are a cheaper gun but I would expect the gun to be usable without fault for at least a year being a brand new rifle! £300 of anyone's money is a fair bit these days!


As I said though mate I do hope the replacement cylinder fixes all the problems and you can get on and enjoy it :)





Sometimes you do get a bad egg, not only hatsan that suffer that...

I never had any single issue with mine, had more issue with my falcon.

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Never Suffered any problems with mine either..

If The Pressure is going even off the gun, it must be the cylinder..

Ask,,, Or Demand another Cylinder.. Hatsan should be only too pleased to send another cylinder or another complete rifle.(It Must Still be under WARRANTY )??.

if they will not exchange it, or refer you to Hatsan,,, ask for your money back..

They have to do something, anyway,,, who the hell are they.???.

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even higher end market guns have problems and I know that first hand. on Wednesday I went and collected a brand new air arms hft 500 and yesterday without a single shot being fired returned the gun as the cocking lever was as stiff as a bears bum. I had 2 other brand new air arms rifles last year the first a s400 and after 38 shots dumped all its air and yes from a full fill. sent back to air-arms and 5 wekks late hadn't got it back so said forget it ill pay the extra and have the s410 and again after just 48 shots this time same thing dumped all its air and in the end the problem was said to be the hammer springs air arms were fitting had rough edges on them cuasing said problems of air dumping. now ive owned so far about 7 hatsans at44 rifles 22 and 25 and never had a single problem with any of them. tomorrow im taking delivery of another at44 walnut version in 25 cal and first thing ill do is strip it change all the seals and set it up right and gaurentee again the gun will be faultless. just because you pay a lot for a gun with a pretty name dosnt mean you wont get problems because you will. like some-one has already said you got a bad egg but its the cylinder not the gun itself. good look mate and hope all pans out well for you.

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  On 04/01/2015 at 22:53, blasterjudd said:

One concern with filling Hatsan pcps is they don't favour stirrup pumps as the movement when pumping can cause movement round the valve filling area and lead to leaks and damage to the seal. I would recommend you buy a bottle and some filling lubricant applied before you fill it up as it will solve alot of potential problems. Hatsan tolerances from gun to gun on the valve areas are not too special I had a faulty one like yours and they exchanged the cylinder in the end and was fine after but I clearly noted the filling valve area was a larger tolerance and filled better and could remove the fill adaptor easier than my other one!

Hatsan are a good starters gun but you would really do better with a Daystate BSA or AA much less problems will arise.

Just a query, if I may. What do you regard as a "filling lubricant"?


Not intended as a trick question. Just curious. Because over 20 years of scuba diving with air in cylinders from 232 or 300 bar we certainly do not use mineral based greases and use silicon grease. There many are reasons for this and air under high pressure is one of them. Also, when my Miroku was multi choked by Nigel Teague the two pots of choke grease he gave me were silicon grease.


Based on this experience I would not use anything other than silicon based products in the situation you describe.

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Ok you can buy a pcp filling probe grease think its brand name is MOLYKOTE that you smear on the airguns probe before you attach or push it into the guns cylinder port. Obviously all pcps fill differently but same principle will apply from gun to gun. I used it on my Hatsan and it saves ruining the probes seal when you connect it up. There's lots of different manufacturers that supply probe grease but all shops that sell pcps do stock it. I also used it on my Theoben rapid and now my Daystate it is good stuff and you only need to smear the probe lightly with it. Not sure what it's made of but it's translucent in colour any good gunsmith will advise you on this?



  On 09/01/2015 at 09:18, Bobba said:

Just a query, if I may. What do you regard as a "filling lubricant"?


Not intended as a trick question. Just curious. Because over 20 years of scuba diving with air in cylinders from 232 or 300 bar we certainly do not use mineral based greases and use silicon grease. There many are reasons for this and air under high pressure is one of them. Also, when my Miroku was multi choked by Nigel Teague the two pots of choke grease he gave me were silicon grease.


Based on this experience I would not use anything other than silicon based products in the situation you describe.

Edited by blasterjudd
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  On 09/01/2015 at 16:58, blasterjudd said:

Ok you can buy a pcp filling probe grease think its brand name is MOLYKOTE that you smear on the airguns probe before you attach or push it into the guns cylinder port. Obviously all pcps fill differently but same principle will apply from gun to gun. I used it on my Hatsan and it saves ruining the probes seal when you connect it up. There's lots of different manufacturers that supply probe grease but all shops that sell pcps do stock it. I also used it on my Theoben rapid and now my Daystate it is good stuff and you only need to smear the probe lightly with it. Not sure what it's made of but it's translucent in colour any good gunsmith will advise you on this?

Many thanks Blasterjudd. Googled it and found it is, indeed, based on a silicon grease.

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Took it back this morning and they submerged the air cylinder in water to find a leak at the valve. It was a very slow leak with only one bubble coming to the surface every so often, hence it taking a couple of days or so for the air cylinder to empty.


Anyway, as good as gold they gave me a brand new air cylinder which happens to be the most recent design and is slightly different to the one I originally had. The gauge is slightly different and instead of there being a plug to close off where the air probe goes there is a rotating collar on it instead which is a much better design.


The place I had it from is The Countryman in Derby. Even though I've had some problems they have been really good and helpful in getting things sorted out for me.

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  On 10/01/2015 at 18:48, onatangent said:

Finally fixed then at least. I thought your rifle was new as I haven't seen any with the filler probe plugs in the cylinder for a couple of years

Yep it was bought new from Countryman of Derby, everything was all new and sealed up when I bought it.

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