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battery and charger advice please

snipers eye

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as a follow up to my recent post,can anyone recommend some good 18650 re charge batteries for the nm 800/x searcher?i think both lights use the same size ones,thanks,.......ps will any charger do,or do i need a special one? aslo forgot to ask would i need flat or button top?thanks all

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If you can get hold of an old laptop battery and take it apart you will find several 18650 batteries, which will mostly be Panasonic, Sanyo, Sony or Samsung (all reputable makes), charge them with a nitecore D2 or D4 charger and you are away. Throw away any that are initially below 2.5v or get hot when charging and the rest will be spot on.


If you don't want to do that just buy any of the named makes above or xtar and LG but avoid ultrafire as they are often poor.

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thanks guys for the info...........ps seen this on the taclight website,should i look for a certain size?im getting an x searcher, PLEASE NOTE: Not all 18650 batteries are the same size. Please check that this battery will fit into your device before purchasing, as batteries that are not in their original packaging can not be returned

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Google torchy the battery boy..... there's a link on his pages to his big_f_d_d fleabay i/d where he sells the Nitecore and quality batteries.


His stuff is genuine and a good price...... good bloke too, a lot of us have been using him for years now.






Edited by fizzbangwhallop
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There are many good makes of batteries out there, but with regards to a charger, the best I found is a Nitecore Intelligent charger (i4)

This will charge up to four batteries at a time, and each battery is monitored and the charge is cut off once each battery has reached full power.

+1 :good:

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I just got an Opus BT-C3100 v2.1




Best charger I've ever used. It charges anything you can throw at it - multiple voltages and multiple chemistries.


Will also recondition batteries and display they total capacity in mAh - it does this by charging them and then discharging to a set (safe) voltage and measuring the dissipated power. I was quite surprised to find some of my batteries have a very low capacity after some years of use, while others bought at the same time have much more. I will try to recondition them and see if it helps. Additionally you can set your own charging rate up to 2000 milliamperes.

Edited by aris
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