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Out this morning.


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Arrived at the farm at 6.45 this morning to have a go at the pigeons on one of my cover plots, had packed the gear Friday night as was picking up yesterday. Choose this plot as its on its own and not too wide, 25m x 200m, so decoys gun cartridges off I set 400m walk to this plot. Once out of the farm buildings it was clear just how windy this morning was going to be.


On arrival decided would put out the 21 rubber decoys and 10 shells that I had pegs for to stop them blowing away on the side of the cover which was still standing so no hide needed. All set up just as it was light. First things to show up where the finches and small birds at 7.30 followed 10 minutes later by a pair of carrion crows that were too sharp eyed to get close enough to offer a chance, 7.50 the first pigeon showed up and was shot going into a solitary tree on the side of the plot, as this was a side on shot at this point I had not noticed how the birds were struggling in the wind, when they started to turn up in small manageable groups, the fun began I soon noticed I was waving my gun barrels about like paul daniels wand, as the birds approached the cover they were low but lifted just out of range to go over the maize they were being blown all over. I stuck the weather till 11.30 by this time the rain looked as if it was here for the day, picked up 23 pigeons with another 3 that made it to a neighbouring spinney over my boundary, the empty cartridges came to 55.


not the highest of birds but testing in the wind, managed 2 left and rights, a enjoyable few hours out.

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They must have been fun in that strong wind.


You mention 'cold' and 'rain'. That cannot be right surely? I am only moving to Lincolnshire on the promise that it is always warm and sunny.

In Binbrook you can expect to be cut off by snowdrifts quite regularly,bring your shovel !

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