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357/38 special underlever


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Hi all. I am planning on expanding on my caliber collection by adding a 357/38 special underlever. Do you have any suggestions as to makes, models and things to be aware of? I will be buying new. Many thanks.

My lad is in the same boat at the moment, he wants a marlin, but they say the new marlin are **** (think taken over by remington). He found a place in derby that sell secondhand lever actions, will ask him for details,

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The Italian options are good. 76 and 73 copies. Uberti, Chiappa.

Rossi 92 are rated. Budget for a good tang sight if you can.

This is actually the only underleaver I have shot. A friend in my local club has one and he was kind to let me have a go. It is nice. He says it is on the budget range and feel, but I still liked it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't go for the Rossi, nicely made but you can't fit after market sights so you are stuck with the rather crude sight fitted or a better but still basic "V" sight. Can't fit Williams peep sights red dots or scopes.


I wouldnt buy new, lots of good Marlins and Winchesters secondhand

Edited by Vince Green
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I have a Rossi 065 Stainless version....


Scoped it up using a mount from the states, some cantilever mounts and a Pistol scope due to it upper ejection.


Has been great for us, 38spl reloads are so tame even with a broken shoulder I was able to shoot.

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Don't go for the Rossi, nicely made but you can't fit after market sights so you are stuck with the rather crude sight fitted or a better but still basic "V" sight. Can't fit Williams peep sights red dots or scopes.


I wouldnt buy new, lots of good Marlins and Winchesters secondhand

You not heard of tang sights then :-)
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This is my marlin//<![CDATA[

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Yea it's like that without ant chequering on stock and fore end

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I can personally recomend the winchester 1894 AE, mines never let me down and with a little polishing and deburing they run slick and smooth. I bought mine from a guy on here at a Rock bottom price who RFD it to me when I got it, it was absolutely filthy, it looked like it had never been cleaned but once I stripped it and put it through the ultrasonic cleaner it was better than new.

I did however find that in its factory standard setup that the trigger was heavy and that it was a little stiff and bumpy on the cocking action, but as its a popular gun in America there is lots of good gunsmithing advice available and lots of aftermarket parts.

My lad is in the same boat at the moment, he wants a marlin, but they say the new marlin are **** (think taken over by remington). He found a place in derby that sell secondhand lever actions, will ask him for details,

What's the place in Derby called, would love to know?

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I can personally recomend the winchester 1894 AE, mines never let me down and with a little polishing and deburing they run slick and smooth. I bought mine from a guy on here at a Rock bottom price who RFD it to me when I got it, it was absolutely filthy, it looked like it had never been cleaned but once I stripped it and put it through the ultrasonic cleaner it was better than new.

I did however find that in its factory standard setup that the trigger was heavy and that it was a little stiff and bumpy on the cocking action, but as its a popular gun in America there is lots of good gunsmithing advice available and lots of aftermarket parts.


What's the place in Derby called, would love to know?


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