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Puppy vs adult dog

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Just after some help really, we recently got a 12week old springer dog. Our 2.5year old lab had met him numerous times before we collected him and all was fine. We collected him on monday and it has been a nightmare! The lab constantly snarls and shoves the puppy around and the poor little fella is terrified and wees himself when the lab goes towards him! Both are indoor dog that sleep seperately, also the lab is super protective over me and he hates me being near the spaniel.


Any ideas on what to do? The missus is constantly crying cos she thinks springer will have to go cos we cant have them doing this.



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This exact thing happened with ours. That puppy is now 7 years old and all is well. They will curl up together no problem at all.


I reckon it was around 3 months before the older dog fully accepted the puppy.


Every dog is different and I don't think you can expect them to be best mates from day 1.


Hope this helps



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Is the lab protective of your wife to the pup. If not get your wife to do everything for the pup and you concentrate all your attention on the lab ignoring the pup if possible.

Make sure any visitors make a fuss of the lab and ignore the pup initially.


Is your lab sociable with visiting dogs and outside the home as this will be a good indicator to his long term behaviour. Has he done socialisation classes group dog training


If you think its needed get a puppy pen for the pup to give the pup time away from the lab and a secure place of his own. But so they are still in each others company.

The piddling is common with pups in showing submission to an older dominant dog and should resolve as they get comfortable with each other, but be firm with the NO when the lab growls and shoves at the pup.

If you get any toys etc for the pup get something for the lab, but only let your wife give things to the pup not you.

Feed seperatly as the pup will be having more meals and thus could cause jealously.

If you are careful for a while with making sure your lab gets the lions share of your attention it should resolve, but in the meantime do not leave them together unattended.

Your wife should still make lots of fuss of the lab as well, so he knows he is not losing out to the pup.

We have six dogs of varying ages living together fairly amicably, but long-term it doesn't work for everyone and if the situation doesn't improve you might have a hard decision to make.

Good Luck.

Someone else might have some ideas to try as well. Hope some of this works.

In most cases they do settle it just takes a little time. Tell your Wife to take heart and try not to let it upset her as they just need to learn to share.

Edited by loriusgarrulus
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the lab is super protective over me and he hates me being near the spaniel.


This is the worrying bit, none of my dogs are protective in any way over me, they look to me for protection. Doesn't sound like the pup is the problem, your lab's relationship with the household it thinks it owns is.


The dogs will settle down, don't worry about that. But you need to sort out the labs attitude towards you.

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This is the worrying bit, none of my dogs are protective in any way over me, they look to me for protection. Doesn't sound like the pup is the problem, your lab's relationship with the household it thinks it owns is.

The dogs will settle down, don't worry about that. But you need to sort out the labs attitude towards you.

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I might have worded that wrong, he most definately knows his place but whag i ment was that he doesnt want the puppy near me, like he's my dog, he knows when he's told to back off and does. I think he maybe feels threatened? The missus has been doing everything for pup while i deal with lab but its just not working. Never seen her so upset, tried leaving them to it and he gets a bit too rough, tried keeping them chilled and thats not working! Not enjoying it at all and its such a shame cos springers a lovely little dog

Edited by yorkshire graeme
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YOU do not belong to him, HE belongs to YOU!!


What do you mean by he gets too rough? Is he always aggressive towards pup or does pup annoy him by trying to play with him?

Thing is, the more you guys get stressed and upset the more you're making the lab think there's something to get stressed and upset about :/

Edited by bigbird
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Yeah its really hard! When labs laid out on floor and pup goes up he gets a warning grumble then if he tries to play he gets a bit of a shove about or held down but earlier it went to far and he flung puppy into fire place.


Everyone local said it'll sort itself in a few days but i'm half worried for what he might do! Labs 2.5years and i've never and i mean never seen him so much as gripe at another dog

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It's different as you have brought a new dog into his territory and he feels he is protecting you aswell. As he feels you are his too.

I am sure he will settle down my first cocker I had she was two when I got her a kennel mate and the pup got picked up and put out in the rain and put in her place by the older dog it went on for about a week or so then after she new her place you couldn't seperate them they went everywhere together. I do feel for you though and I am sure it will sort itself

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