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Do they realise what they are messing with :good:

Why should we play little games with these idiots, everyone is on egg shells not wishing to tip this country (and their psychopathic leader) over the edge. And to think they're developing nuclear weapons. If this country ever wanted to worsen its image this has to be the best way to do it..Give us back our men or else you may experience some global warming, about 3000degrees in 2 seconds in the form of Trident !!!


What do you guys reckon, is that fact that we're still in Iraq put people off going for Iran :D or am i just being stupid ;)

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i think the problem is more that iran know we cant fight a war with then and win without using a tactical nuke, or trident as u said, are forces are to far stretched between iraw,kosovo, afghanistan etc. and if they do decide to cross over the border into iraq and attack our troops, we are screwed. there almost trying to force the british army to launch a nucleur strike.

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If America was not so overstretched already I think you can be fairly sure Iran would have been invaded.


For the safety of the captured troops, I think it is prudent for the government to play nice. It's a ll a big PR exercise for the citizens of Iran. It is only in there interest to hold onto the soldiers for slightly longer then everyone suspects and then give them back.

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I agree with Teal, we are really forced into a situation where we have to play nice for hostages. plus, dont forget that if you invade Iran as well it could cause the entire middle east to cave in on us (while still out there!).


I think that in order to tackle Iran, we would need a UN colition like Desert Storm.

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I reckon they can be trusted more than bush for sure. Was Iraq a threat to us ? Nope, yet our boys are getting mullered over there. Did the Afghans let slip plans for world domination ? ditto and ditto.

It is / was a case of justifying massive armed forces and huge spending on arms. Hell, why have it and not use it ? The usa are always spoling for a fight despite the fact they really are **** at it. The hearts and minds approach addopted by our forces are totally lost on the us army whose stock approach is out gun them and ask when the dust settles.

When one of our boys loses his life fighting in second rate gear in a country that posed no threat other than in a deluded presidents mind its tragic. When a gung ho yank cops it by beleiving they are the best goddam fighting force in the world ? **it happens.

And it will continue to happen untill the rest of the world looks back to see who really needs policing, oil rich states or the one running out of black gold and actively looking for armed conflict.

One final point, lets use our new tridents on that peice of verminous scum mugabe, although as he is black it wouldnt be politically correct. I seriously hope he dies slower than the people he is starving to death and bush wakes up to it but neither will happen :blink:

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They'll let them go in a few days.......they just like to show off on telly for a while saying "look aren't we great, we're not afraid of the infidels" if it looks like it may turn nasty they'll release them toute suite 'cos they know the US are looking for any excuse.

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secondly, i dont know if any of you have heard this but they men have admitted to being in iranian waters so they are in every right to capture them (not hurt but question why)


The men will be returned safe and sound within a few days. Nothing will ever happen to them as neither side want a war. but neither side will back down-hence why there is a problem. the great AMERICA with only a few years history do not like people standing up to them. There is a name for this. its called "BULLY".

Iran is only really winding america up, pulling their leg and America have taken the bait. You lot all sit here getting wound up about this subject, in Iran they will be laughing.


The real issue here is the amount of pestering America has given Iran about its nuclear programme. Many attempts and still nothing - where is the proof Iran are building bombs??? sorry cant hear you???


why is it ok for other countries i e america england etc. to have nuclear weapons but no one else


No country will start a nuclear war as everybody knows the effects of these weapons. so why are America still building them? 100 quid to whoever answers this question correctly


I bet nobody on here leaving bad messages about Iran has ever been there or know any iranians - if you did you would understand they are not that bad and you are unbelievably stupid to believe everything you see on T.V (propaganda)


It really does show something when most asian countries burn american flags but only a few countries dislike iran. law of averages would show the yanks are the bad guys.


now... lets just say there was a war, whoever thinks america would fly over drop a few bombs and they would crumble like iraq and Afghanistan - YOUR WRONG!!!! Iran would unleash hell on them. they might not be able to fly to america but any yank in an iranians sight would be shot at. Not just in iran. If they attacked iran they would be fighting many countries. my opinion is... you will never beat a man who is prepared to die. also iran will fight to the very last man. would america do this??? NO


america are in the **** with iraq and what are iraq compared to iran. NOTHING!!!!


america know deep down they can not win this war but for some reason you lot dont ... america would without a doubt do more damage to the country than iran could do to america but thetas not how you win a war.


i could carry on this subject for hours and hours but im going to have to love and leave you all... think about what i said and try to understand what ive said... you will be fighting a pointless and never ending war!!!


p.s - look forward to your replies!!!

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The men being held are British NOT American so your (frankly bordering on the fanatical) anti-american rant is somewhat misplaced. The British citizens being held have admitted to being in Iranian territorial waters...... according to the Iranians!. I agree with you that they will be released but was there really any need to arrest them at all?


PS There's no need to shout discussion is better conducted at room volume.

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They wouldn't be intentionally paraded around in front of the media and shown on international television!

and the thing about two of them being taken out of the room and gunshots fired to make the rest think they'd been shot wouldn't even be alleged in the UK.

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The view as to why the west believe only they should be allowed nuclear weapons is based upon the fact that they have proper democratic systems and the release codes for the nukes (well at least in our case) is held by the UN. Some of these countries are not stable enough or trustworthy enough to be supplied with Nuclear Weapons. Similar to the reason why you cant just walk into a shop and buy a .308 rifle or would you allow Robert Mugabe to have some shiny nukes?


As to providing nuclear power purely on a peaceful basis, hmm it does beg the question what is wrong with all the other sources of ectricity? Oil, Coal, Solar, Wind etc afterall nuclear power is incredibly expensive to set up and mantain esp disposing with the waste so would that be the most practical solution for a country like Iran? Or is there another reason nuclear power is so appealing?


The reason America is still building nukes is partly answered in your own response,"It really does show something when most asian countries burn american flags but only a few countries dislike iran. " the idea of holding nukes is its a detorant. With so many countries hating them they do kind of seem justified.


As every Iranian on the planet shooting american's on site, even in america and some kind of global war breaking out I very much doubt it. Firstly, all Iranians would end up being deported or victims of hate crime as for example a few hundred or even thousand Iranian's in america really would not wipe out the entire population before they met a deporting/murderous end.


You do contradict yourself about them admitting to being in "iranian waters" and "don't believe everything you watch on tv" As Iran have made that statement and you or I have no clue to how true that is, or if it is true the conditions it was obtained under.


Who are Iraq, nothing. Well the Iran-Iraq war proved against the Iranians they were more than nothing. That war was started by Iran enroaching on Iraqi terroitory and demanding the overthrow of sadam. That sounds awfully like Bully tactics to me and something that america later did and now the whole of Iran protests.


No offence meant to you by this post its just in some cases people shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.

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