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The Price Of A Labrador Puppy ?

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Got my pup for 400, lots of drakeshead in his pedigree.

Good looking dog your got there " rwade545 " , my old dog I have got now had drakeshead in his pedigree , hes got a lovely temperament but if I am honest he was a bit slow in moving on from dummies to picking up cold game , some of it might be down to me but he got there in the end and he turned out a dog to be proud of.


Beautiful pup J, from one very envious man in Essex.

Hi Paul......Maybe the time will come when you might get another Lab, and as you know they are a total commitment, and with you leading a busy life style it might be better to hang on a bit until your got more time on your hands. Give me a call if your ever down our way again and it will be nice to have yarn and a cuppa ...........................All the best....John.

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Good looking dog your got there " rwade545 " , my old dog I have got now had drakeshead in his pedigree , hes got a lovely temperament but if I am honest he was a bit slow in moving on from dummies to picking up cold game , some of it might be down to me but he got there in the end and he turned out a dog to be proud of.


Hi Paul......Maybe the time will come when you might get another Lab, and as you know they are a total commitment, and with you leading a busy life style it might be better to hang on a bit until your got more time on your hands. Give me a call if your ever down our way again and it will be nice to have yarn and a cuppa ...........................All the best....John.

Only just seen this, MM. Good luck with the pup!

I will be picking up my new pup in a fortnight - also a black lab dog. Starting to get excited now. Mine is costing me a fair bit, but hopefully it will be worth it. Mine also has some Drakeshead in it's ancestry, along with some other good names (apparently), such as Glenbriar.

Edited by motty
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Thanks Motty and good luck with your new edition .


I bought my first Lab in 1969 and I have had at least one ever since , I often look back and cringe by the amount of mistakes I have made on the way ,but like they say ( you learn by your mistakes ) . One of the biggest was cutting to many corners in getting the dog steady enough before moving on to the retrieving stage , as I now know, that if they come from good working stock the retrieving side is part of there natural ability . and now apart from the odd dummy retrieve , I don't start any retrieving lessons until he is at least six months old ,


My first dog I bought was around Easter, and all I was interested then was he could retrieve duck out of water and when Sept 1st came round I thought he was ready to start working for a living , how wrong was I , he made every mistake in the book ( and more ) but that old dog learnt me more about dogs than any one I have had since , and 40 odd years later I can thank him for what little I know about dogs , and how to go about the training of a young dog , and hopefully to be left with a shooting companion you can be proud of ..



So Wayne ( Motty ) there are loads of good dog trainers on this site ( far better than me ) who are only to willing to offer there advice for free if you have any problems with your training , but with you all ready having a dog to use you can take your time and get it to the standard you want ,


Good luck and let us know how things turn out . M M

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Good luck with your new pups Marsh Man and Motty.


I have had labradors since 1975 until last year when Jack died and I was left with a Border terrier and Jasper the Sprocker. I am no expert in dog training, nor anything else for that matter, but I can offer one piece of advice. All dogs are different and should be treated as individuals. My first dog, a lovely handsome dog called Otter was physically and mentally mature at a year old and he was fully trained and obedient and steady soon after that. He was an easy first dog to train and he had a great nose and he found me birds that I never imagined I would get.


His son Badger was physically much smaller and he did not have the drive of his father and although he enjoyed our shooting together he never showed the aptitude that Otter did. This was a disappointment to me.


My next dog Jake had no brains until he was two and a half years old and he was untrainable and unsteady until then. After that he made a good companion for our shooting forays.


Then came Jack whose sole intention in life was to love and please me. He was steady but had to be encouraged to look harder if a bird was still missing rather than wanting to do it himself.


The point of this rambling is to indicate that all dogs are different and there is no magic wand to training which will cover all dogs. I spent years wondering why my subsequent dogs were never as good as Otter instead of respecting them for what they were.

Edited by JDog
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Very well put Mr JDog , and I fully agree that every dog is an individual and the training and time scale have to suit the dogs mentality and temperament .


Very rarely ( if ever ) you get two from the same litter the same , a bit like children from the same parents .


Each puppy will create a different problem(s) during there training than the last one you had , but its down to knowing your dog and not moving to the next stage of training before your happy he or she is ready to go to the next level. .......No point running before you can walk springs to mind. :good:

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Well, I've been and done it John.




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Just seen your new family member , she certainly looks the business Paul and good luck with the training over the summer months , that dog looks as if it could mostly train itself , with maybe a small amount of work from your good self . All the best.

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