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Variation query

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Hello all


I have on my FAC .22 and x2 .243 now I'm thinking of getting a second .22 the rifle I'm after is a H&K mp5 purely for having a bit of fun with.


Now my question is would I need to specify what I'm after and why or just ask for a 2nd slot for the calibre and then decide what particular rifle to buy.





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Don't put this as the reason!

Just play for a second slot, you will need to justify it, ie dedicated night vision

Thanks for the replies.


That's what I put down when I asked for 2nd .243 slot, I think my concerns are that I ask for a 2nd .22 slot for NV and then fill it with the H&K. I don't want it to look like I've been devious in my variation request, or am I thinking about it to much (a first for me).



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Id probably nit say i want a fifle for 'fun' what exactly do you want to shoot with it? Target? or live etc

Id want it for target,but not really looking to go down the join a club road,I'd not shoot live quarry as I don't want to put a scope on it, I already have a scoped .22 for that.



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Can you though.

The standard fac field shooting conditions never say target shooting, just zeroing.

I would have thought to get target shooting one would need to belong to a club. But as I'm not a target shooter or club member what would I know.

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Can you though.

The standard fac field shooting conditions never say target shooting, just zeroing.

I would have thought to get target shooting one would need to belong to a club. But as I'm not a target shooter or club member what would I know.

I meant 'yes' as you'd need to be part of a target club Charlie, poor post by me, no clarity.

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