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don't park in a disabled bay in Brazil


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You used to be able to get a blue badge for £400. There was a private doctor near here who would sign anyone's form to say they had a bad back for money. It wasn't technically dodgy either because he was only believing what the people were telling him so he couldn't be prosecuted for it. He would sign HGV and PSV medical forms on the same basis if you had some problem with blood pressure or whatever. He would just keep taking your BP till he got a low enough reading.


I'm told he would happily sign DLA and Mobilty forms as well.


That was some years ago, he's gone now and I'm sure the system has been tightened up since then. I'm just telling the story to illustrate how poorly the system was operated in the past

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Nice cars are Because you don't have to be on benefits to get a blue badge and in private car parks usually everybody pays to park if you have a blue badge or not it's just the disabled bays are bigger and closer to the doors, the only reason people with kids get separate bays is they spend more money in the supermarket every week than people without kids and if you see nephew with granny's badge and no granny they aren't entitle to use the badge and should be reported, but if that's your attitude you clearly have a stereotype in your mind of what a disabled person should look like! Maybe it's not granny's badge and the "nephew" has a disability that doesn't make them look like a raspberry ripple

Don't be silly, You made an assumption there, I have no stereotype, I've been told by people they have used their mans badge, and sometimes you can quite clearly see the person is not disabled in any way.

I never said you had to be on benefits to be disabled either. All I said was I don't see why blue badge should equal free parking.

This all started from me pointing out the ridiculous amount of disabled bays at my local tesco. An amount that would never ever be filled, and impersonally think they should turn a dozen into parent and toddler spaces.

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Must admit I don't understand why me and the Memsahib should get free parking when we use her blue badge. On the other hand I'm not against it either...

Being disabled is not cheap in this country. Stair lifts etc cost a fortune. Just reinsured ours this morning - Nearly £600 to guarantee repair within 24 hours over the next four years.

So I'll except the free parking whenever I can get it.

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The fact is you don't have to look disabled to be disabled, my wife on the outside looks fine but inside she can hardly breath as due to blood clots her lungs are moth eaten and her heart is irreparably damaged meaning she can walk short distances slowly but any long distance she will have to use her chair, she has had lots of abuse from idiots saying as she's 30 and looks fine she obviously shouldn't be using a disabled space, all she would rather be is normal and healthy and go to work but she tried and kept passing out so had to give it up, people should realise that just because you can walk and look fine doesn't mean that on the inside you are fine, remember disabled people would give everything just to be like you and me and lead a normal life but hey lets crucify them for getting a free parking space because some people cant control a army of brats they choose to have and think they should be right out the front of the shop instead

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The fact is you don't have to look disabled to be disabled, my wife on the outside looks fine but inside she can hardly breath as due to blood clots her lungs are moth eaten and her heart is irreparably damaged meaning she can walk short distances slowly but any long distance she will have to use her chair, she has had lots of abuse from idiots saying as she's 30 and looks fine she obviously shouldn't be using a disabled space, all she would rather be is normal and healthy and go to work but she tried and kept passing out so had to give it up, people should realise that just because you can walk and look fine doesn't mean that on the inside you are fine, remember disabled people would give everything just to be like you and me and lead a normal life but hey lets crucify them for getting a free parking space because some people cant control a army of brats they choose to have and think they should be right out the front of the shop instead

Wow. Army of brats? I have a two year old daughter who is very sweet, and a ten year old step son who is going on 15.

They are well enough behaved, but with the idiots about in cars today, yes id much rather be able to park next to te shop or path rather than the middle of the car park. And with how tightly they pack the spaces and how close people park to your door, if also rather the extra space to get the toddler in and out.

I think charging as much as stated above for stairlift repair/insurance is obscene. I think it would be better for the government to subsidise that rather than offer free parking!

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I really wasn't aiming the brats comment at you or any one else on here personally so i apologise if it came across that way and in any case most likely just because i get very angry from all the rubbish my wife has to put up with about her condition and little things like a motability car instead of any benefit money and the chance to park closer to the shop entrance just makes her life a little more bearable and I don't see why she should be punished for it as she and all the others never asked to be that way. I think the parent spaces serve a purpose but think they should just be parent and baby only rather than kids if there is no baby in the family as its only really needed for the struggle getting a baby in and out not for parents just with older kids in my personal opinion as csr doors can be held open by the parent enough for a walking child to climb in and out without the child opening the door and accidentally knocking the car parked next to them.

As I've said every time disabled people only wish they could be normal, we were even asked to move from the disabled bay when we arrived at our holiday in butlins by a passing manager who couldn't be bothered to check if we had a badge before opening his mouth. And most of the parking at least around Cambridge we still have to pay to park we just get access to a disabled bay closer to the entrance.

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Just to wade in on the argument with Southeastpete and Smokingun etc...

Outside a shop there should be disabled bays for disabled people, as well as parent and baby spaces next in line, then normal spaces.


From my take on the parent baby spaces, to get the kids into their seats in our car my doors have to be fully open - and also, if you have two kids and are on your own as a parent it can be hard to get them both accross whole carpark. Also, little ones are heavy and so are those darn baby seats - thus having less distance to walk is a godsend.


In the Asda near me there is parent and baby spaces in the other side of car park, which is great - there is trolleys for babies there too - that makes life easier all around and more space for disabled spaces nearer the entrance.


The worst ones are those who just go in disabled or parent/toddler spaces with neither issue because it's closer to the store - boils my blood.

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