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Proof question


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if you have a box of eley 2 3/4 magnum lead catridges they tell you that the proof pressure is 900kg or 3 1/2 tons 3 inch is 1000kg or 4tons some guns are marked in bars ie 850 bars etc every gun proof tested are tested at a higher pressure than the gun is marked for as every cartridge dose not give constant pressure due to powder.temp etc etc

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The problem is we're talking 20th Century and the OP has not given the load. The standard 2 3/4" (70mm) service pressure was 3 1/4 tons. The Spanish, as stated above, did proof many 70mm guns at 900 kg/sqcm and this permitted the use of 1 1/2"oz and, again, as indicated, permitted the use of the 2 3/4" Eley Magnum which probably accounted for more wildfowl than any other cartridge for 12 bore users. Consequently, if the OP's cartridges (which are obviously somewhat dated) are annotated as requiring a proof load of 900kgs, then he might like to think twice before using them in a gun proofed at 850. With regard to the current situation, he can use any cartridge annotated 12-70.

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I had a concern a while back when some one handed me some 'mini-magnum' cartridges on a fox drive and it got me thinking about my older guns and which cartridges I could safely shoot. To extract from my post last year...

"I then phoned Lyalvale Express who put me onto a very knowledgeable chap who explained the whole thing on pressures and velocity (for 2 1/2"). Legally they are not allowed to manufacture and sell a cartridge which exceeds 700bar pressure and a 2 1/2" chambered gun is proofed for 850bar (3 tons). The majority of their cartridges are in the range of 500-600bar typically - Lyalvale have a 2" 25g cartridge at 530bar and a 42g 2 3/4" at 600bar and the pressure is moderated by using different powders.

So the rule of thumb would be if the guns are nitro proofed and the chamber is correct, then it will be fine."

I am GUESSING (the key word) that similar will apply for 2 3/4" cartridges and the legal pressure limit will be a long way below the 900kg, so at 850kg proof marks your gun SHOULD (another key word!) be fine with any 70mm cartridge. If you want to use Gamebore cartridges I'd just give them a call and ask what the relative figures are - explain why and you should be given a definite answer. Do post back up here as I'd be interested to know...

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Thanks for the replies. The cartridges arnt old, they are Velocity 29g 6.


Just purely out of interest now - does the box give a range of different proof limits or just the kg/sqcm? I only ask as that rating is now obsolete and one would have expected something in Bar or even MPA as, as I wrongly thought, they're not dated but current.


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