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A wee bunny shoot

Big Dog

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I have gone a long time without rabbit shooting as they seem to almost be a thing of the past around here. That said my friend has a wee 35 arce farm and has just planted about 2000 trees. The rabbits and a hare have killed over 600. I have been culling down some rabbits and I am enjoying bunny shoot again.


Here is a question: If a hare is causing damage to the trees, can you shoot it out of season :good: I have no desire to shoot a hare, again rare, but my friend want me to. Wheather I do or not I would like to know the legal side.


I went out last week to lamp a fox and took a walk over his land to get a rabbit to bate with. I have never used a .222 on a rabbit b4. I new it was to much gun for a bunny but just wanted it for bate. Well at 50 mtrs I shot it, gutted it and half cook it. I couldn't even lift it, that said I was gone the next morning.


I went back last night to lamp for rabbit with my .22lr. Guess what? I forgot to change the scope lamp bracket over to my lr :good::good: On Monday I will order a second one so I can I don't need to change them over.


Took the single bunny at 92 yrds with .22lr Winchester subs. I was pleased with that.



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well done mate there are nt many rabbits about here anymore.i just got permission for a new farm with loads on it.it will be my first experience with rabbits.i think it may be illegal to shoot hares here at the present time.you may need to check up on that.you could land yourselfin big trouble.

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There is no season for hare, you can shoot them when you like, just like rabbits. Theres some debate thought about whether you can lamp them or not, best off asking BASC about this.



They are across the water in Ireland the law could be different :good::good::good::good:

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Sunday not an issue as I raely shoot Sundays and when I do targets. I will check with BASC tomorrow. I don't really want to shoot it but he has got loads of damage done. They are putting new covers to the trees and maybe that will solve the issue.

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there's no season for hare but as its classed as game so shooting on Sundays and hunting at night / lamping is illegal. At this time of year their breeding and you will see some babies about so its classed as ungentlemanlike to shoot them (more of an unspoken rule). However I have a similar problem on one of my permissions and when they are doing vast amounts of damage they need culling one way of the other. :sly:

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No Ozo it is a mix of mostly hard woods, beech, ash, which are the ones getting the hammering, holly and a load of other stuff. The ash are getting the heads bitten off, they are about 12" high. Other getting the root dug up.



The hare issue isn't an issue for me as I don't want to shoot it.

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