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Newbie needing advice plz


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I just read that Internal Cartridge guns are being made illegal... Being a complete newbie I have absoloutly NO idea what the hell the one I have is..


I dont know its power output, and I dont know if its internal cartridge....


All I know is, I press a button, the barrel falls down, I have to pull the barrel down to get it to charge, a bit like pump action but its not like a shotgun pump...

soooo I have no idea if its Break Action, Internal Cartridge or what =(((


If anyone can help advise me on whats best if I should turn it in for disposal or anything, would be much appreciated,



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Your air gun is a lever action, probably using a spring to compress the air.

As pointed out above the items now on section 1 use a Self Contained Gas Cartridge, which is a cartridge with compressed gas AND a projectile.

The Antisocial Behaviour bill may affect you if you are under 17 though as there are clauses limited the use of air weapons by under 17's. Basically you are OK to use an air weapon on private land where you have permission or on a range. You cannot carry your gun to and from land or range without supervision of an over 21.

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You cannot carry your gun to and from land or range without supervision of an over 21.

im 18 and hav a sgc and take my 12b with me when i go shooting , but i cant take my air rifle ? so when the pc asks me whats in my slip i could say a 12b and be leagal, if i say me theoben then i get in the ****@ <_<<_<

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Anyone with a Brocock can apply for a Firearms certificate to keep it legally. Grant is pretty much automatic (unless you've got a criminal record) and you do not need to prove good reason.


Personally, I think Brococks are a load of old b*****ks as my mate had one once and we couldn't hit a thing with it!

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im 23 so age isnt a problem hehe,

its just the internal cartridge thing I dont quite understand (yeah im 25 watt bulb when it comes to gunlike things (bit dim hehe))

would the one I own be classed as internal cartridge or a legal break action/lever action? I have absoloutly no idea on the mechanics of it.

Would pictures help if I stuck them on?


Thanks again info is much appreciated =)

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Shooting rabbits here! Is that leagle! Bows and Boar, not for me thanks! I have heard many stories of peopled been goared by them. I know a Sweed who has a HUGE boar on his wall, he shot its piglet (about 150lb piglet) when it came out the brush and tryed to rip his calf off. He managed to get the muzzel of his rifle on the back of its neck, and squeeze the trigger. He ended up with a badly broken thumb, a serioulsy messed up leg, and a gold boar.

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in france I think its fine, auvergne mountain area,

must admit I havent shot a living thing yet.

Do you use bow? and what type?


I think thats one of the reasons I wouldnt mind trying boars, but like the chap you mentioned would prefer a backup weapon not just the bow hehe (maybe an uzi?)

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Shooting live quarry with any form of bow is illegal in the UK. This was introduced several generations ago to combat poaching. France has recently repealed their bow huting laws and it is now legal over there. It has always been legal in the USA.


Hopefully the UK will follow suit one day - but I wouldn't hold your breath!

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I dont think its legal to shoot any live quarry with a bow or crossbow, just targets, a compromise for you is that you can buy lifesize deer and boar, I saw them in cabelas catalogue, you can plug away at them and when you get fed up you can punch them silly <_<<_<<_<

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  • 7 months later...


So can you not shoot anything at all, Rabbits, rats etc with a crossbow?


I have looked on the web and can't find anything about what you can and can't do in the UK with a Crossbow.





You cannot legally shoot any animal whatsoever witha bow or croosbow in britain. There is a law though which was never repealed that makes it legal to use a Scotsman as target practice on Sundays only with a longbow. True that, but dont do it.


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