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Yep it helps being bonkers using a flintlock in this wet weather so I thought better of it!


I used a caplock instead :yes:




I have not used this gun for probably a year!


It is not really a wing shooting gun more a stalk and aim it.


The 70grns of black powder pushed 7/8oz of shot on wads of old boot leather soaked in olive oil.


I got meat for next week :)







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Like reading your posts are the pheasants from a nearby shoot that have wandered or do you put birds down yourself?

There are many shoots all around here. Seven surround my places!

I just keep foxes under some control and some birds wonder onto my places. The owners don't mind me having a perk or too. I am not greedy, soon be back to rabbit and squirrel.

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That's very fortunate always exciting walking round knowing that there is a chance of a pheasant! The little farm I shoot on has got a group of English partridge been on the farm for years however the farmer has asked us not to shoot them as he likes to see them the same with the pheasant unfortunately. Everything else pigeons and rabbits he is mad on me shooting we haven't discussed duck so if am lucky enough to get one it goes straight in bag and I say nothing! The other farms in Anglesey I shoot on everything is ok so manage the odd pheasant now and again.

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That's very fortunate always exciting walking round knowing that there is a chance of a pheasant! The little farm I shoot on has got a group of English partridge been on the farm for years however the farmer has asked us not to shoot them as he likes to see them the same with the pheasant unfortunately. Everything else pigeons and rabbits he is mad on me shooting we haven't discussed duck so if am lucky enough to get one it goes straight in bag and I say nothing! The other farms in Anglesey I shoot on everything is ok so manage the odd pheasant now and again.

Get them foxes down, for them partridges sake!


All the best.

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