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What calibre? 13yo newbie!


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My daughter wants to spend an hour with me busiting clays. I don't want to out and buy a o/u on spec of her wanting to go again, but don't want to put her off either by hurting her shoulder with too bigger a gun nor missing with. 410. Got a 20b single, is that the way forward?



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As above,


As long as the gun is a resonable fit, start with light sub sonic carts and can build up from there. Mind youstarted mine on a .410 single and he could still hit the clay on the practice stand.


Just used to start them of with 5 or 10 on the practice stand with no one looking and no presure, then build up from there.



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you dont say how big or strong she is


personally I would say 410

stance, footwork, positioning and gun control are the basics and lead to being a better shot


if they cant lift and control the bigger gun that doesnt come.

if she can lift the single 20 50 times without getting tired or having to counter balance it over her body then fine.

if not go lighter and smaller so it becomes an extension of her arms



I have my 11 year old toothpick of a son on a single barrel 410

i tried my old SXS 20 bore and a double barrelled kestrel 410 (which weighed more than the bloody 20 bore)

recoil was not the issue

Both too heavy and his form and body position suffered as a result


box of 25 410 cartridges and he hit 9 clays at Braidwood on his first outing with it....including 3 high pheasants! (little *******!)


takes one or two pellets to break a clay

if they get put off missing clays put her on clays she can hit!!

thats a target choice not a gun or cartridge


show her this:


Edited by Bewsher500
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Thanks for the advice....Might as well start with the .410, she is tall, skinny, not overly strong! I used to reload a nice recoiless 12g shell, using 'cook offs' recipe off here. I'll also look into light 20b loads

Edited by nabbers
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One thing you should consider is the stock, ladies are a different shape to us and need the toe ( the bottom rear corner) taking off otherwise it digs into them and hurts on firing. This will put them off for life.


It is far easier to connect with a 28 than a 410 which by design are usually tightly choked to be effective but strength is an issue at that age.



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