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First Time Out With New Pup

Paul T

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Well, my new cocker pup (now 8 months and the black one on the right) will be a good age for next season and I really didn't want to take him out next September, having never experienced a shoot. Dogs need to see a little fun in the field and get socialised around other people and their dogs. So, seeing as we are a relaxed bunch and we've not got many birds around now, it should do him good to get out now on a quiet day. Now, I wouldn't dream of taking such a youngster out on a large commercial shoot, but I know my dog and I know my shoot - it will just just be a dog walk with a handful of birds about.


I walked him round on the lead before we started, so he could meet everyone and he was pretty laid back - not the coiled spring like his mum, who just wanted to get on with the job!


First drive I walked him (on the lead) down a hedgerow, while his mum worked it and he was a little eager, but still well behaved. His mum flushed a couple of pheasants and he was keen to follow the scent. He pulled a little on the lead, but didn't go hunting stupid.


Second drive I pegged him down behind me and he just sat good as gold. I just kept talking to him and he never moved when a single shot went off a couple of guns down. I should say he has experienced gun fire before and he's fine with it.


Third drive and we were walking again. I opted to push a pheasant pen through when the chance was offered, knowing that the last couple of days there has only been 4-6 birds in and the pup would be fine. I opened the pen door and took their leads off. Mum is a seasoned pro in here and gradually worked all the cover on her side of the pen without any real need for instruction. I sent the pup up to the far corner of the pen and signalled for him to come to a rhododendron, which he searched well, but nothing in it. The next shrub was a yew, and I told him to 'find it'. After a few seconds a cock bird rose and the spaniel appeared to watch him fly. I whistled him back and he just gazed in the direction of the bird. Another whistle and he returned to lots of praise from me. His mum found and flushed two cock birds and that was the pen emptied and our part of the drive over.


I left him in the car for the afternoon drives as I thought he'd seen and done enough, but after the shoot I let him wander freely around the field. He sniffed the laid out game and as we walked around between other people and dogs, he was calm and well behaved throughout. I took them for a free run in the middle of the field and he came back each time to the whistle.


Overall I'm very pleased with how his first time went and I'll take him out alone mid January one last time this season. Fingers crossed he'll be ready for next year and he'll at least have a little experience before he sees a shoot with thousands of birds around. I know some people will say it's too early, but as I said, I knew the situation would be an 'interesting dog walk' day for him. It was a success anyway, and he has his first proper flush under his belt too.




This photo was taken of them both in October after a shoot day, which is why mum on the left looks so tired.

Also, the flat object on the right is the wet and muddy remains of his toy fox!

Edited by Paul T
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  • 3 weeks later...

Your pup has the exact same white spot on his chin as my dog, his mother was chocolate with with white chin. People think my dog is older that three because of the white chin.


Sounds like he is a steady dog.


Took mine Wildfowling at 71/2 months as on a night flight his nose could come in handy if searching for a downed bird, he just sat and enjoyed the odd swim and a walk around. Learned to watch for birds and also his dad can't hit them all :lol:


Great fun bringing a dog on.

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