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A great morning and my first foreshore Canada.


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One of my targets for this season was a Canada from the foreshore as I have not had one .

I got a message while at work last night from wash wildfowler to say he had seen a few using a certain piece of marsh yesterday and would I like to have a go for one with him.

A hasty chat with my boss and I was able to leave my night shift a couple of hours early so I could get to the marsh on time.


We made the marsh in good time and some early teal had us on our toes but we never managed a shot , as morning broke proper we started to see some geese , the early ones managed to cut wide to either side of our position and we were beginning to wonder if we were in the right spot , we soon had our answer as a good bunch of Canada's appeared in the distance and headed straight toward us .


They could not have come any better and I was soon sending the dog for my first foreshore Canada , I dropped it with my first shot but managed to miss with a couple at a second goose , meanwhile wash wildfowler showed me the way to do it by pulling of a magnificent treble .


Ten minutes later and another small bunch of geese were heading towards us , this time they cut across my right side and I managed to drop one with a single shot.


Things were not quite done yet though as wash wildfowler spotted a couple more geese heading in our direction , they turned out to be a pair of greylag , they were a fair way wide but I thought they made a shot and my home loaded heavyweight shot had it dead in the air .


We finished a cracking flight with a comedy moment when wash wildfowler said there was another Canada heading to us I said thats not a Canada its a Brent , it passed no more than 20 yards away from wash wildfowler and as it passed him the Brent suddenly turned into another greylag :oops: best we both get to specsavers :lol:

That finished a great flight with good company and we then had to make the long trudge back to the cars with a good bit more weight on our backs than we walked out with !.


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