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Frosty foxing ...day 2


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Needed to go up to a mates ground last night as work will mean that I will not get out again for a little while. Again it was not an ideal night with a full moon and frozen ground.


I tend to call into a chicken farm that I shoot for my friend on the way up to my friends. They have had a fair few issues but it is really difficult to catch up with foxes for various reasons (but I wont go through all my excuses :lol: ). I got to the chicken farm at about 8.30 and headed into one field that gives a good view over the few fields that make up the farm. Set the foxpro going with the vixen call and within 30 seconds I caught a flash of eyes. Over to the NV to confirm that it was a fox. The fox called but it wasnt clear whether it was a dog or a vixen (and yes I am well aware of the difference between the "normal" mating calls). I put the dog call on and this seemed to get the foxes attention. It came along the bottom of the field, jumped through the fence and disappeared behind a tree...fortunately to reappear. At 70 yards and a nice safe position I lined up the shot just as the fox cocked his leg for a pee on the tree trunk. That was his last act and he fell to a chest shot.


Let the owners know and they were happy.


Up to my mates for a brew followed by a 2 hour wander around with no more sightings.


Thanks for reading



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Nice 1 Mike :good: failed to get out again last night sofa to nice to get up from. :lol: atb Terry

Cheers Terry . With the woodburner going last night I was tempted to stay in...but I couldnt resist a quick walk in the fresh welsh air.


once again well done mike your certainly bowling them over do you use vixen mate call or vixen mating call atb nick

Cheers mate. Vixen mating call on the Fox pro combined with a bit of gekkering seems to get them interested at the moment.


Another good one Mike. Well done. :good:

Cheers Steve

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Well done mate. We called one in but it moved down wind. We had a shot gun and it was just to far.

Cheers U. Always difficult to get them into shotgun range especially if the wind isnt right. Was it a newfangled type of shotgun or a proper flintlock one?


Well done mike i was out waiting for pigs no luck bloody cold sat waiting

Thanks mate. Sorry you had no luck, it was bitter last night. I had a good old walk around in between calling to warm up .

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