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Dumbest Squirrel Ever


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Well this had to be the dumbest squirrel i have ever encountered.


Went out with the CZ .17hmr, for some target practice, after dusting some small clumps of earth at 115yards (god i love this rifle), i was hoping to see some bunnies, but not a thing. So i was heading back to the farm, i unloaded the rifle took the magazine out and put the rounds back in the box.

I came to this small copse, and this squirrel bounced along the ground and stopped at the base of a tree, 30 yards away from me and sat there and looked at me :good:

Slowly i took the rifle mag from my pocket, then got the ammo box out and took one round from it, loaded it into the mag and slowly put it into the rifle, slid it off my shoulder then cycled the bolt, the Squirrel still sat there looking at me :lol: Slowly putting the rilfe to my shoulder i put the cross hairs on him and "SMACK"




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Great to see the 100+ yard accuracy eh Kip :lol:


Poor little squirrel :lol: , didn't you feel like backing up 70 odd yards to make the shot more satisfying :lol:


Cheers for sharing



:good: lol good shooting but anyway as pin says, there is no such thing as too much gun!

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I just arrived on my shoot one morning and was having a mega **** when a squirrel walked towards me - couldn't stop peeing, he sat there waiting for me to finish - picked up my rifle and he ran off throught the hedge, cheeky sod. They either run off at 100m or come to have a look at me - they can be so bright or just so dumb. :good:

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