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22rf type classification

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This is what it states on my ticket (Essex)

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Shows I can purchase expanding and solid

On my cert there are two entries for every caliber. EG. .243 X rounds >>> .243 Exp x rounds and ..22 rf >> x rounds .22rf Exp >> x rounds. This is what my ticket shows for EVERY cal that I have same as above post. The son in law has sorted it out with his county department. The firearms manager has said that it is right as above which means that the feo was incorrect to say that all 22rf is the same and so are the few shops that would sell him expanding hp .22 rf with just the wording .22rf. It's all sorted now with the firearms manager and his ticket will be amended when it is issued. It cant be any clearer than the certificate entries as above.

Thanks to RST1990

Edited by fortune
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As I said before it's unnecessary micro-management by the firearms team. What is the point of it anyway? Is there anyone with a FAC who can't buy solid ammo? i'll answer that - no.

Point being that you have two separate entries of ammo type.

My friend has a permission but also does target shooting so he has 1000 rounds solid and 500 rounds expanding. Both of our feos (Essex) told us that they won't permit more than 500 expanding rounds on a licence but will let you have 1000 non expanding, go figure.

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Point being that you have two separate entries of ammo type.

My friend has a permission but also does target shooting so he has 1000 rounds solid and 500 rounds expanding. Both of our feos (Essex) told us that they won't permit more than 500 expanding rounds on a licence but will let you have 1000 non expanding, go figure.

The whole lot of firearms interpretation is a load of nonsense with every feo and every county making it up as they go along. I have a lot, lot more solid and expanding 22 rf on my ticket than they are allowing you. I wonder what their reasoning behind their decision is.

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My Sussex issued FAC states I can buy 600 .22 in Section 2. Doesn't specify expanding or not. My permission to acquire expanding ammunition is given in the additional conditions. I've never had trouble buying HP or solid ammunition and I've bought from at least 4 RFDs in Sussex & Kent.

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Lincs are starting to make you tell them how many expanding .22 you want ,I use both expanding and solid at present my certificate just says 5000 to buy 6000 to hold .my mate had the same and on renewal this year lincs made him split it between exp and solid 4000/2000


Before anyone says why so many I used to batch test ammo and buy a case. also it's not unknown to use 500 rounds in a week on rabbits

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Utter nonsense.The whole law revolving around this issue that is.


All 22 ammo is expanding by default as it uses soft lead!

That is absolutely true, either one is just as dangerous as the other. I tried to up my allowance but was told you can only have 500, I then said to take away my 500 solid allowance so I can have 1000 expanding and he said the max of expanding I can allow is 500!!

I wonder if anyone else in Essex is the same as this maybe down to my feo

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That is absolutely true, either one is just as dangerous as the other. I tried to up my allowance but was told you can only have 500, I then said to take away my 500 solid allowance so I can have 1000 expanding and he said the max of expanding I can allow is 500!!

I wonder if anyone else in Essex is the same as this maybe down to my feo


It's either your FEO or the firearms team. I have first hand experience of them trying to inflict their whims on me, but you need to stand your ground and ask them where they got that figure they plucked out of the air.


I'd be straight onto my shooting organisation.


As for the guy above who has 2 entries for every calibre, does anyone even make solid 243 ammo?

Edited by walshie
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