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bettensoli dimond v lamber sport


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I have a 12 bore bettinsoli diamond and i can tell you it is a great gun, im not sure whether you intention is game or clays but if it is for game it is steel proofed and has 3" chambers so you can use it for snipe and woodcock up to fox and goose. If your intention is clays it is heavy enough to take the recoil which brings me to my only negative, mine is on the heavy side, this doesnt affect me as i prefer a heavier gun but it may be to heavy for someone of smaller build, having said that i had a 13 year old shooting it last weekend and he was fine.

I have heard that lanber are really solid and reliable and indeed they came up many times in my search for a shotgun but i went with the bettinsoli instead. One more thing, if buying second hand check the age of the gun, mine was made in 2003 and has had no problems but other people who have guns made in 2009-2012 have had problems with ejection, double discharge and dodgy parts. but dispite that go for a bettinsoli!!

Anyway thats my thoughts, Atb supersport

Edited by 14Supersport04
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Personally I would go for the lanber. As said in the previous post they are solid and reliable guns with a good supply of spares. Bettinsolis seem to suffer from some reliability issues, have a good search on PW and do your research. That would be my view anyway but fit of the gun is also really important.

Edited by Wingman
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My bettinsoli has been a great servant over the last 5 years and I'd certainly consider another. It is heavy compared to others but is a comfy gun to shoot and always cleans up well. Lanbers are good budget guns too so my advice would be to try them both and see what works/fits best with you. I've seen plenty of folk with sparkly new Brownings/ berettas etc (that are better guns without a doubt) miss easy birds and the next guy nails a left and right with his 30 year old baikal. All 2nd hand guns have potential for developing faults etc so wouldn't be too concerned about double discharges; the only time mine did this was a few years ago when it was heavy snow and -6 c and we'd been out all day. I put it down to something being frozen due to conditions and touch wood it's been fine since.

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