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Chris B.123

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It will depend on the particular dog if it is easier to train or not , I have had spaniels that were a doddle and Labs that were a pain , all together though Labs are regarded as being easier.

Both will shed a lot of hair so you would have to put up with that if they are to be inside , both need lots of exercise , Labs are perhaps worse for chewing things although they generally grow out of it .


Dog or Bitch , depends if you can manage without a dog while a bitch is in season I guess , personally I have always had dogs.


Without a doubt if all you want is a dog to stand at a peg or retrieve the Lab would be the better choice.

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It would all depend on the type of cover you'll be picking up in.

We have predominantley Spaniels picking up on the shoot I work on, as the cover is that thick mainley brambles, most labs tend to struggle with it.


Not to say some labs won't enter cover but the spaniels do seem better suited to the ground.

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Don't know what kind of dog to get, lad or springer dog or bitch just to pick up not to flush in brambles, I was told the labs are easier to train than the springer's,

but it will have to stay indoors .

Firstly the sex of the dog, There is absolutly no decernable difference in the working capability of a dog or bitch no more faithfullness in the bitch nothing they do the exact same job.

Bitches do break down where as dogs dont so as i am sure you are a responsible owner the bitch will be out of action during this period.

Dogs (males ) dont persue bitches anymore than bitches persue dogs so nothing to be gained there either, dispiye the rumours.

Its a moot point that some will say dogs can be stronger heavier than bitches this can make them better in sittuations where the work can be more physical. Well as i said its a moot point, and me i think this is marginal at best.


Labrador or Springer, well beating or not picking up requires or can quite often require a dog to enter and work cover if flushing or not, the springers are equiped with a coat to handle this with ease, where as the Labrador is not, its coat is however good for water work so if any retrieving picking up around water or crossing water this could be if practical use and may be a consideration.

Many Labradors seem oblivious to the fact they have coats unsuited to dense prickly cover, and soldier on regardless, its up to you to decide if you think its fair to let them do this or not, their wilingness to work such cover is not an indicator of suitability in its self.

Of course only you know the ground you hunt so you are iun a better position to decide on this than anyone else.

Speed endurance ! The springer will generaly have the edge here, and perform for longer and at a faster pace normaly but that may not be a nessasarily consideration depentant again of where you are shooting what you are doing numbers etc.

Labradors are a good peg dog if that is what you need and they will hunt up to a point.

A rough rule of thumb here but no way set in stone as other factors need to be taken in to consideration. IS Springers hunt and retrieve where as Labradors retrieve and hunt in that basic order.


Training! No difference at all its a myth Labradors are easier to train, they still need training and dont let anyone tell you any different.

It is true to say however a fully trained in the generaly acepted sence springer will have more in his/ her remit than that which is general acepted of a Labrador, and this dependant in what you want from the springer could well involve a longer and more complex training rageme.

The Springer is physicaly smaller and personaly i like them in the house much more than Labradors but its down to you to decide what you will and will not acept.

Both these breeds will do what you want very well and not one or thne other of them is easier to train or more or less capable than the other, they are very different dog breeds and do different tasks but both will do what you want.

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If I was only to pick up I would choose a Lab. My springers work great in the beating line and I beat about 3 days a week. If I tried picking up for a day my older dog would be fine but my youngest would be a pain. Same training different personalities. I think Labs are generally are more patient. I have always had bitches not really sure why, if you bitch is due in season during the season you can get injections to stop it from starting. I have never had to do this, but I have few dogs so can always leave one at home.

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I'm with kent here.

Must admit i struggle to see the difference between beating line and picking up dogs. I train my labs spaniels almost exactly the same way and train my labs to hunt/quarter too, (never that tidy thou and bit harder than with a spaniel)


A lab that won;t enter cover is not worth having, most tof the shoots in my area the beating lines are almost entirely labs.

I;m a big fan of proper old fashioned labs with a heavy thick coat offers them plenty of protection to brairs or whins.


Plenty of shoots will have drives where the picking up team are sweeping throu areas that are also drives, so really no diference still have to ente wot ever cover is in there way.

Won't needlessly hit cver the way a spaniel will till its face bleeds, but if scent in there to flush or retrieve a ddecent lab should enter it.


As has been said in modern labs not a lot of difference between bitches and dogs nowadays, dogs used to be slightly more stubborn strong headed if u went back 30 odd year but now breed a lort softer.


Depending wot ur wanting i wouldn't go for a ot of recent FTCH's in pedigree if just wanting a peg/picking up dog and just get 1 of decent working strain

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