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Jackdaws At Dusk


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Every year around this time, I have a go at the Jackdaws that roost above the Main Pen. They are a big problem for the nearby Farmer but due to neighbours etc its hard to shoot them around the farm itself. They come in like little rockets and the majority of the shooting only lasts five minutes but its fast and furious. I grabbed the Lincoln 28 gauge as I had a load of 2.5 inch 17gm 6s to use up that I had got cheap and they seemed ideal for the small Corvid. I hoped to bag a Grey Squirrel or two beforehand but all was quiet. I spotted a pair of Roe as they dashed across a field and a number of Mallard and Canada Geese were swimming happily on the ponds. Arriving too early as usual, I propped my gun against a tree and stood listening to the sounds of nature. The cry of a Buzzard, the sounds of Cock Pheasants going to roost, a pair of Blackbirds chasing each other through the undergrowth. As a Tawny Owl started hooting, and the sun faded, I heard the cackle of Jackdaws and readied myself. I concentrated on two bare trees to give me best chance in the fading light and several black wisps fluttered into the trees. A double shot dropped one and I quickly stuffed in two more cartridges as they wheeled around, taking a left and right this time. The agility of them made me fire into thin air a few times but I concentrated hard and after five minutes all was quiet except the occasional squawk of a Jackdaw that had escaped to roost in the thick firs. Twelve lay amongst my feet and they were readily snapped up by my ferrets when I got home



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