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Evening on the hoppies


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Met up with SS to have a little go at the hoppies, first port of call an old boy who's house backs onto a shoot and he's been moaning about bunnies ruining his garden. SS has had a few off there but there was nothing to be seen tonight.


The on the way to another of SS's permissions we called in to a house with a MASSIVE garden that has a similarly massive rabbit problem. SS got 7 in two minutes - some going. One runner that he sent the dog for, only to have her take a massive dump on the garden in front of the house owner :):lol: He was fine about it and it looks like its leading to permission on some land with thousands of bunnies we have been after getting on for a while :good:


It was dark by then and we had a little lamping session, me out the top of the truck. Got 3 nice sized bunnies the furthest knocking on 60 yrds. Every single one back-flipped for us :huh:


Pic of the bag, not a bad little night out.



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I went over to the new permission again this evening to get him to sign an authority to shoot letter, there were about 20 bunnys happily munching away on his lawn :lol:


I popped 5 off in the space of 30 seconds :D then lay up & got another 2 :lol:

I could only pick 6 as one somersaulted into the nettles & after the dog laid a massive **** in the middle of his lawn I left her at home :lol:


Also got another 2 off Rogers place :good:


Final bag




All prepared ready for the freezer




2 were a bit dodgy so they were left for Foxy






Tape worm cysts I think?



Not a bad hour & a halfs work B)



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