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Are the Belgians up to it?


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Thing that impressed, not sure if that is the right word in the circumstances, me about this episode was the photograph from the airport which showed the three bombers walking into the area pushing their trolleys. Now at least two of these guys knew that they would be dead, at their own hand, within the next hour. They look totally relaxed - almost as if they were in the local Asda store on a Saturday afternoon. You cannot call these blokes cowards. Don't know if they were drugged or just full of the belief that what they were going to do was right and just. The calmness of their appearance is frightening.

Since the Mid East 'troubles' escalated several years ago hundreds, probably by now thousands, of young men and women have deliberately given up their own lives for the cause.

How on earth do you 'fight' guys so committed as this?

Like the kamikaze pilots of the second world war who could only be stopped by making their aircraft disintegrate in the air before they got to your ship, there seems no easy answer to this problem. Education and time I suppose.

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Guerilla tactics or terrorism of this kind is next to impossible to defeat, but it can be managed. Border restrictions, targeted deradicalisation programmes, integrationist policies and in the areas they control lots and lots of bombs to kill as many of them as possible. The game is pretty simple. Make life more secure and stable for us than it is for them.


But here is the really difficult bit. You need to do all those things without alienating the millions of honest, decent Muslims who are allies, neighbours and friends.

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Good to hear that opinion from such a high ranking military officer. Of course I think most of us had already reached that conclusion on our own, but interesting nonetheless.


Hilary is on record as saying Al Qaeda wouldn't exist without the US ! There are others of note who have stated the same.

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