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Another gun fit post


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Recently (see Talk from the Field) I had an hour and a half pretty hectic pigeon shooting something like 66 shots for 25 picked. Most of these birds were coming in head on to where I was sited. About half were clean kills while the rest had broken left wings, apparently it would seem as if I was placing the pattern to the right of the target. Would this indicate centre vision and is there a cure other than expensive stock alterations to three side by sides?



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Recently (see Talk from the Field) I had an hour and a half pretty hectic pigeon shooting something like 66 shots for 25 picked. Most of these birds were coming in head on to where I was sited. About half were clean kills while the rest had broken left wings, apparently it would seem as if I was placing the pattern to the right of the target. Would this indicate centre vision and is there a cure other than expensive stock alterations to three side by sides?



It might just need a small adjustment to the stock. My gun had a point of impact slightly left of target and an off cast of 1/4" was recommended. Try the gun on a pattern plate and take it from there.


Also, were all the winged birds shot from the same barrel? If so it might have a slight variation in poi.

Edited by Glenlivet
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If half were dead in the air then I cannot see that its a fitting error - are you sure they were not flaring away as you moved to take the shot?


Quite. It all depends on your experience level both in terms of shooting skill and decoying, your kill ratio isn't dire by any means and the misses could simply be down to your head lifting or not choosing the optimum moment to fire.


Incomers shot with open chokes can also often lead to too many flappers. The only way to know is to pattern the gun and see, if you find the POI is obviously off centre then a little cast should rectify things.

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Recently (see Talk from the Field) I had an hour and a half pretty hectic pigeon shooting something like 66 shots for 25 picked. Most of these birds were coming in head on to where I was sited. About half were clean kills while the rest had broken left wings, apparently it would seem as if I was placing the pattern to the right of the target. Would this indicate centre vision and is there a cure other than expensive stock alterations to three side by sides?




A session at the pattern plate might be in order to check that POA and POI are concurrent :good:

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As you did get some proper dead in the air kills, Did you happen to notice the SLIGHTLY flairing to the left on a bit of a wind?.

I would not judge you on such a hard target in the winds we have had, and it roughly equates 3-1 ratio, so within limits on the winds this month.. Before going down any road to question your ability or Gun..

Go and try it on a pattern plate, or something two pages wide newspaper when you hold it up to the light it really gives you good insite into your pattern.. Never try to judge pattern in the air, it will not work..

B O L.

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