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No I am not talking about some of the Norfolk contingent on PW, at least not this time.


One field close to home which was drilled with rape last September failed very badly. The ground has been colonised by wild pansies with some groundsel and it is now receiving some attention by pigeons. Looking at it I can quite see the attraction - succulent new growth when there is not much else about.





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Very nice Mr JDog , I thought you had been in my garden at first until I read your report , as for us boys being pansies , you might well be right , I have been out the last two hours looking for the elusive Columba palumbus and due to the rain I never even got out of the motor in case I got the few strands of hair I have been lucky enough to keep ........ WET.


While I was dodging the flooded roads I did see the first bits of laid Barley on some of the winter variety fields and with heavy rain forecasted most of week I am sure there will be a lot more before long .

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Very nice Mr JDog , I thought you had been in my garden at first until I read your report , as for us boys being pansies , you might well be right , I have been out the last two hours looking for the elusive Columba palumbus and due to the rain I never even got out of the motor in case I got the few strands of hair I have been lucky enough to keep ........ WET.


While I was dodging the flooded roads I did see the first bits of laid Barley on some of the winter variety fields and with heavy rain forecasted most of week I am sure there will be a lot more before long .




yep the barley has gone down again here....very heavy rain this afternoon at 4 o'clock.....expect to see a lot more down when i go out tomorrow...

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wild pansies, have never come across them, more likely i have not known what i was looking at and certainly a lovely flower. jdog are they widespread on uncultivated or failed crop, do they flower in different colors and do they carry a scent? thank you for posting jdog, informative as ever.


as per marsh man above searching for pigeons, i pulled up in my car next to a park field last week around 5 pm and counted easily over 60-70 woody's feeding on the grasses about 2 inch high. they had a some docker/feral pigeons joining them also as was in a residential area in Liverpool. i got out the vehicle as i was working and they were not alarmed by my presence and lifting just a couple of yards further into the field on seeing me.




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yep the barley has gone down again here....very heavy rain this afternoon at 4 o'clock.....expect to see a lot more down when i go out tomorrow...

That is a very good forecast ditchman , predicting heavy rain at 3 . 30pm for 4 o clock :yes: , you aint bin brewing that ole cider agin boi hay yer

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They can be widespread on poorly farmed land or on set aside.


The Latin name is Viola tricolour sub species tricolour. The flowers are tiny and as far as I can tell there is no scent. The pigeons go for the new shoots not the flowers.


If the rain ever stops and we get a decent wind the field may be worth an hour or two.

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That is a very good forecast ditchman , predicting heavy rain at 3 . 30pm for 4 o clock :yes: , you aint bin brewing that ole cider agin boi hay yer



the clock above the computer is a bit strange to read wivout my glasses on................

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