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Tony Blair should keep his opinions to himself, he's got some cheek, worst prime minister since Margret Thatcher (possibly worse than her actually) and about to have the enquiry published which if my instinct proves right will probably show him as a war criminal

I don't think anyone needs the report from an enquiry to tell us what Bliar is? These enquiries are commissioned by people in power in order to avoid responsibility and accountability and when neccesary...............get them off the hook!

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Tony Blair should keep his opinions to himself, he's got some cheek, worst prime minister since Margret Thatcher (possibly worse than her actually) and about to have the enquiry published which if my instinct proves right will probably show him as a war criminal

Possibly criminal in the opinion of ordinary people, but not in the eyes of the law, it seems.



The International Criminal Court (ICC) has ruled that Blair cannot be prosecuted for sending UK troops to fight in Iraq. Our involvement in the ICC was formalised by the International Criminal Court Act 2001, which came into law under (surprise, surprise) the Blair government.



Individual soldiers who were acting under instructions handed down by the Blair government are still liable to be prosecuted, and apparently the ICC staff intend to comb through the entire Chilcot report in the hope of finding evidence against members of our armed forces.





I think I read somewhere that UK provides a substantial portion of the funding for these ICC investigations.



Tony Blair trained as a lawyer. I have to keep reminding myself of the spelling, because when folk from across the border in Northumberland pronounce that word it always sounds to me as though they are saying "liar". Maybe my hearing is at fault.


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Possibly criminal in the opinion of ordinary people, but not in the eyes of the law, it seems.


The International Criminal Court (ICC) has ruled that Blair cannot be prosecuted for sending UK troops to fight in Iraq. Our involvement in the ICC was formalised by the International Criminal Court Act 2001, which came into law under (surprise, surprise) the Blair government.


Individual soldiers who were acting under instructions handed down by the Blair government are still liable to be prosecuted, and apparently the ICC staff intend to comb through the entire Chilcot report in the hope of finding evidence against members of our armed forces.



I think I read somewhere that UK provides a substantial portion of the funding for these ICC investigations.


Tony Blair trained as a lawyer. I have to keep reminding myself of the spelling, because when folk from across the border in Northumberland pronounce that word it always sounds to me as though they are saying "liar". Maybe my hearing is at fault.

It's discraceful isn't it, basically Blair can walk away Scott free while our soldiers, which he sent and he put in life threatening situations can take the blame😠
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It's discraceful isn't it, basically Blair can walk away Scott free while our soldiers, which he sent and he put in life threatening situations can take the blame


The eternal sea of politics eh ?


Maybe he has nightmares about all the deaths he helped to cause,all the legacy of their phoney war ,still playing out today.

Maybe he has a conscience?

Maybe not too..

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The eternal sea of politics eh ?


Maybe he has nightmares about all the deaths he helped to cause,all the legacy of their phoney war ,still playing out today.

Maybe he has a conscience?

Maybe not too..

Your right, I'd say clearly no conscience or he'd at least keep his mouth shut
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