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First 100 + Bag This Year

marsh man

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First of all the title is correct but instead of getting the bag in a day like most of the big bag boys do it took me a week , well not a whole week more like four afternoons and each time I never reached my finishing time due to being disturbed or rained off.


Monday it was hot so I was only going for two or three hours , the field was barley that had just been cut and the straw was still in rows and not baled up , things were slow to begin with just the odd pigeon coming in , then just as it started to pick up the dreaded tractor and baler pulled into the field and started baling up , it was now gone 5 so I called it a day and let the field have a rest for a couple of days and then hopefully use a bale in the middle of the field for a hide.


Wednesday saw me on the same field only this time instead of shooting from the hedge I was in the middle of the field using a big round bale as a background to my hide , with one or two decoys placed on the bales either side of me and a spread out in front plus a magnet I was getting a nice lot of shooting when the clang of the load all and tractors and trailers came down the lane and pulled into the field I was on , I got another 15 minutes before I had to clear up and watched half my hide going for a ride on the trailer


Yesterday I went on another baled field that looked alright but after a hour and only shot four pigeons it was time to look at another barley stubble field , this field had been sub soiled but it did hold a lot of pigeons , with me driving down to where I intended setting up it didn't take long to put the coys out and within five minutes I had the first pigeon in the bag and my shooting started to move a lot of pigeons creating shots on a regular basis and the bag building up nicely , with the sky looking Black in places I thought we were going to get away with it until the first big spots of rain started to hit my bare arms and within minutes it was chucking it down and after heavy rain still falling after half a hour I had to call it a day again for fear of getting stuck.


Now today I went on the other side of the same field I was on yesterday as there were still a lot of pigeons about when I had to pack up early due to the rain. things started off well today , it was dry and I was shooting a pigeon every few minutes then the clouds started looking dark and the first drops of rain started to fall , not as hard as yesterday but after 30 minutes I was getting wet and the enjoyment was wearing off , so like the previous three times I was out I had to pack up early , Still like they say , there is always another day. roll on Monday.

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Good going you were more than a bit unlucky with the farming jobs happening at the wrong times.


The weather is all over the place, wind directions changing all the time and heavy showers arriving out of nowhere.


I managed a couple to trips week with a 31 and a 33. Seems to be a few birds about at the moment especially on rape stubble.


May well have a go on a fresh cut barley stubble tomorrow.

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