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Itchy Dogs and OH's Psoriasis


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Our terrier has had bad skin for a year or two now. He has had blood tests for mange etc at £140 a go. Various pills and creams and shampoos all with problematical side effects and no beneficial effect.
Poor little sod used to reluctantly slink up to me in the morning when I got his latest potion out to smother him with.
I found cotton dog tea shirts helped a bit in stopping him from chewing himself and the other dogs licking his creams off.
His ears used to get very sore inside and out, but I found coconut oil mixed with olive oil soothed that as apparently coconut oil has an antihistamine type effects, but it was not enough for his skin. His back went totally hairless and down his sides and was often sore.
I was looking on the web and found a paper on comparing the use of conventional medicine and shampoos for dogs with a mixture of therapeutic oils and the oils came out very well.
I bought the ingredients and have been applying them to him twice a day. It smells good and I don't have to wear gloves to apply it either. He is now coming and asking to have them on and his skin was no longer red. I still use the coconut oil and olive oil inside his ears. Rollo is no longer scratching and squirming about to itch his back. After a few days his skin was staying less dry between applications

OH was impressed with Rollo’s improvement as he has psoriasis quite badly on his arms, legs and lower back and was always scratching it as it itched him so much. His arms were white with it and often scabby. Some of the medication he had from the GP meant he couldn’t expose his skin to sunlight and had to wear dark glasses in the Summer. Another cream he was prescribed made him feel sick. He started using some of Rollo’s oil trying it out on his psoriasis as his arms are very bad this year.

Original recipe from the paper.

Oils %
Almond 75.0
Coconut 20.0
Eucalyptus 1.0
Helichrysum 0.5
Lavender 1.0
Margoram 0.5
Orange 1.0
Oregano 0.5
Peppermint 0.5


I made 500ml to start which is:

Almond oil 375ml

Coconut 100ml
Eucalyptus 5.0ml

Orange 5.0ml

Lavender 5.0ml

Helichrysum 2.5ml
Margoram 2.5ml
Oregano 2.5ml
Peppermint 2.5ml


Warm coconut oil till it just melts and mix in everything else together well and store at room temperature in a HDPE squeezy bottle or glass container

After a couple of weeks I did some more research on the internet on making salves and creams and with a bit of trial and error made a cream which is easier to apply. I kept the almond oil to make the consistency right as it’s not a particularly active ingredient, more as a carrier for the other oils in the original recipe.

Recipe 2:

Beeswax 2 pure filtered, but unrefined blocks around 25g each for thickening to a cream.

Coconut 360 ml

Almond 65ml
Eucalyptus 5.0ml

Orange 5.0ml

Lavender 5.0ml

Helichrysum 2.5ml
Margoram 2.5ml
Oregano 2.5ml
Peppermint 2.5ml

I chopped the beeswax up then added to the coconut oil. This was gently heated in a glass jar in the microwave until the beeswax had just melted.

( don’t use plastic as it could melt into the mix.) I let it cool slightly then added the rest of the oils and mixed well before it started to set. I put the lid on the jar and screwed it down. This will seal and keep clean till needed.
It has made a lovely cream coloured ointment which smells great.

The coconut oil I bought from Home Bargains in a 500g glass jar which I cleaned and relabelled and used for the 2 recipe mixture. The other oils and beeswax I bought off eBay.

The original oil recipe works best on any sore bits among long hair. The cream is easier to use on bare skin.


We started using this 4 weeks ago on Rollo and 3 weeks ago on OH. Rollo now has no more sore patches on his skin and the hair is re-growing on his back for the first time in a year. He is no longer scratching and squirming on his back.

OH says after he applies the cream his psoriasis stops itching and only just starts slightly before he has the second application 12 hours later. His psoriasis is now receding on his arms particularly and normal skin is appearing leaving small islands of psoriasis in among it instead of a white covering. His skin is going pink again. The white does reappear a bit if he misses an application. But nowhere near as bad as it was and he has had no side effects from it.

It also seems to keep midges at bay.

This might not work for everyone and if you do make some to try do a patch test first. For external use only.

The active oils are very strong and should not be used in any more concentration than in the recipe.

Edited by loriusgarrulus
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that's very encouraging, could you make some for my other half?

Sorry you will have to make it yourself as I am not going to make it for anyone else.


The recipe is very easy if you just follow the instructions I have written. If you are not confident with the cream recipe the oil one is just a matter of adding everything together and mixing. They both work equally well.

Edited by loriusgarrulus
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One of the daughters has a pair of westies and one of them has had a hell of a time of it and like yours has been bleeding and all of the hair fell out. She has spent thousands on the vets and all sorts of tests and medicines. I really believe that one of the vets was ( I cant say the words) but pretty poor and a right rip off merchant. Slowly the dog has gotten better. My spaniel has had spells of itching. I regularly checked for fleas and she didn't have any. I went in to a local chemist to see if there was a medicated soap or something similar available that we could use. The girl in there said that she had the same problem and had used diluted hibiscrub to bath her dog in and a anti histamine tablet from Tesco’s in the dogs grub every day it seems to work ok and the scratching has stopped. I took this advice and it does seem to have worked. This might have worked for us but I did a patch test to see if there was any adverse reaction to any of this. I’ll pass your recipe on to the daughter in case the problem with her westie returns.

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Good for you for finding something that helps with these horrible skin complaints my friends JR had terrible skin problems they seem to have got it mostly under control with special shampoo I hope that your cream carries on working.

I asked about resistance building up in the use of natural oils.

I was informed it was less likely than with traditonal drugs as plant derived natural oils vary slightly with each harvest.

Keeping my fingers crossed this carries on working for both OH and Rollo.

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