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I got given a couple boxes of claybusters mde by cci I have never heard of them has any one here used them and if so what think of they chyeers foxxer


They are absolutely fine as a cheap clay load, we have used them in fibre at country show shoots.

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thanks chaps


continental shooter I don't understand your reply ie eu hulls American shells I am not experienced in shotgunning and not familiar with some of the words you use be gratefull if you could explain in simpler terms cheers foxxer

I suspect continental shooter is talking about claybuster wads (an American component manufacturer) not cci claybuster cartridges.


Edited by Daveo26
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I've only seen them in use once and that was when a guy next to me on the shooting line fired his trap gun and it went off with an almighty boom and flames shot out the back of the action! Nearly took his eyebrows off lol

I asked what cartridges he was using and decided I would stay away from claybusters after that!

I suspect he did too.

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I've only seen them in use once and that was when a guy next to me on the shooting line fired his trap gun and it went off with an almighty boom and flames shot out the back of the action! Nearly took his eyebrows off lol

I asked what cartridges he was using and decided I would stay away from claybusters after that!

I suspect he did too.


hmmm maybe I hang on to them for when I want to start a campfire :hmm:

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