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Best way to clear reeds encroaching on a flighting pond?

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About a year ago exactly I dug a new flighting pond. The four evenings I've had on it so far have been brilliant. Ranging all the way from the first outing when we shot 15, to a complete blank under the full moon a few weeks ago.


The sides of the pond have naturalised very quickly and it looks as though it's been there for decades. Irritatingly, though, two of the sides now have too much grass and reeds at the water's edge, bringing the margins in as much a three or four feet in some places.


Is there an intelligent way of getting rid of some of the greenery or is it just a case of getting the waders on every couple of weeks and rolling my sleeves up?



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Round Up and wipe the reeds do not spray. You can make up a useful 'wiper' by nailing/tacking a piece of towelling or similar to a piece of strong stake, dip it and soak it in the fluid then walk up the bank or in the pond and drag the cloth over the leaves. We used it on a river very successfully. Might need a couple of goes. The alternative though is to roll your sleeves up, don your chest waders and pull them.

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13t hitachi......works a treat....did ours this year prob first time in 10yrs always waders and petrol hedge clippers but was so bad digger and riddle bucket recon i got 4 silage trailers of weed from a very small pond (25mts across/round)....keep it down b4 it takes over...

Edited by millrace
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As said Glyphosate but add a small percentage of oil or washing up liquid to the mix. This treatment is best done in the spring when there is new growth. Even better still is to cut the reeds down in the winter and spray the regrowth in the spring.


Good luck. Anything with rhizomes is usually difficult to get rid of.

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